Don't want our money? Ok.

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It's a similar argument as those complaining about hordes of Arabs invading London.
The subtle difference is that London has a population of about 9,000,000. There's about 30,000,000 tourists to London each year.
That's about 3 times the population.

Mallorca has a population of about 1,000,000, with about 20,000,000 tourists each year.
That's about 20 times the population., (depending on your source for data.*)

So if Londoners have a justifiable moan about Arabs invading London, or tourism driving up prices, then it must apply even more so for Mallorcans.

You should try going further afield. Some Asian countries are offering up to 60 days visa free to encourage the return of tourism to pre-Covid levels.

Top Visa-Free Tourist Destinations in Asia​

*depending on your source for data.
A significant increase in international visitors means tourism in Mallorca is booming. The Balearic Islands are one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, and Mallorca is the third largest island in Spain and attracts more than 4 million tourists each year. That’s 10 times the number of residents!
We were thinking of going to Majorca this year. They don’t want our money so we'll more than likely be spending it with the Greeks this year.

A friend has just returned from Mallorca.

They're protesting about their government, and it's unsustainable approach to tourism developments.
Too many of the wrong type of tourists.
They should hit these landlords who rent to tourists with big taxes and use the money to subsidise the rents of the locals.
Higher rents to tourists would maybe put off the lower end lager lout brigade from going to the Island, they then could concentrate on attracting a better class of tourist who would pay more for a bit privacy and space.
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Never understood the attraction of Spain, it's overrun with tourists, you get more for your money and less touristy if you travel further east. Romania and Moldova is where we're heading this year.
Too many of the wrong type of tourists.
No it's more a case of services not coping and locals suffering as a result. That's what started it in one particula place and a number of other countries are wondering if the influx should be controlled. They all tend to have polpulation explosions at some periods in the year. Some areas just keep building more and more hotels.
the complaints are in the main not about tourists in hotels but tourists that have taken up housing and putting it out of reach availability and cost wise to the locals
Both factors figure depending on which country you consider.
the complaints are in the main not about tourists in hotels but tourists that have taken up housing and putting it out of reach availability and cost wise to the locals
Their moaning should start with their own.

Same with folk in the UK that moan about property in small coastal villages etc not being affordable to locals.

At some point in the chain, a LOCAL (or rep of said local) has sold the property to an 'outsider.' MMmmm, I wonder why, could it be to make more profit ;)

So for those around the world moaning about this sort of thing, look closer to home for the instigators.
Their moaning should start with their own.

Same with folk in the UK that moan about property in small coastal villages etc not being affordable to locals.

At some point in the chain, a LOCAL (or rep of said local) has sold the property to an 'outsider.' MMmmm, I wonder why, could it be to make more profit ;)

So for those around the world moaning about this sort of thing, look closer to home for the instigators.
The sellers might not be locals.
The buyers might not be obvious 'non-locals'.
We were thinking of going to Majorca this year. They don’t want our money so we'll more than likely be spending it with the Greeks this year.

Greek islands are far better than Majorca, especially after main season in Sept/Oct. Do your homework though, as some islands closer to Turkey, etc can feel more like holidaying in Newham. :eek:
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