Link me to credible studies showing there is no harm from vaccinations.
Read this sponge brain...
Ah, ok, I will. So here goes...
The ECBT takes recommendations from the ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices)
Here :
Is a list of their serving members and ''non-members''
''The ACIP consists of 15 experts who are voting members and are responsible for making vaccine recommendations. The Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) selects these members after an application, interview, and nomination process. Fourteen of the members have expertise in vaccinology, immunology, pediatrics, internal medicine, nursing, family medicine, virology, public health, infectious diseases, and/or preventive medicine; one member is a consumer representative who provides perspectives on the social and community aspects of vaccination.
In addition to the 15 voting members, ACIP includes 8 ex officio members who represent other federal agencies with responsibility for immunization programs in the United States, and 30 non-voting representatives of liaison organizations that bring related immunization expertise.
Members and representatives serve on the Committee voluntarily.''
Ah.. just quickly, let's have a quick look at a typical vaccination schedule being rolled out across american right now.. (approved by the AAFP - just one of the ''non-voting bodies'' that happen to sit on the ACIP)
'Report all clinically significant postvaccination reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Reporting forms and instructions on filing a VAERS
report are available at
or by telephone, 800-822-7967.
Information on how to file a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program claim is available at
or by telephone, 800-338-2382. To file a
claim for vaccine injury, contact the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, 717 Madison Place, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20005; telephone, 202-357-6400.''
So there's a procedure for compensation... I thought vaccinations were safe ?!?!?!.. So let's have a look at ...
''The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national vaccine safety surveillance program co-sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS is a post-marketing safety surveillance program, collecting information about adverse events (possible side effects) that occur after the administration of vaccines licensed for use in the United States.
VAERS provides a nationwide mechanism by which adverse events following immunization may be reported, analyzed, and made available to the public. VAERS also provides a vehicle for disseminating vaccine safety-related information to parents and guardians, health care providers, vaccine manufacturers, state vaccine programs, and other constituencies.''
... oh dear, did someone mention the FDA? (THE FOOD AND DRUG A.D.M.I.N.I.S.T.R.A.T.I.O.N) They would have no vested interest in censoring and manipulating data would they???.. Of course they wouldn't ...
Oh look, just the index page ...
''When evaluating data from VAERS, it is important to note that for any reported event, no cause-and-effect relationship has been established. Reports of all possible associations between vaccines and adverse events (possible side effects) are filed in VAERS. Therefore, VAERS collects data on any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event.''
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. People just die all the time of course, it's a conicidence. Wait a minute, were side effects not mentioned just a paragraph ago ???
Let's move on then..
the next two paragraphs from the same link ...
''More than 10 million vaccines per year are given to children less than 1 year old, usually between 2 and 6 months of age. At this age, infants are at greatest risk for certain medical adverse events, including high fevers, seizures, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Some infants will experience these medical events shortly after a vaccination by coincidence.
These coincidences make it difficult to know whether a particular adverse event resulted from a medical condition or from a vaccination. Therefore, vaccine providers are encouraged to report all adverse events following vaccination, whether or not they believe the vaccination was the cause.''
Ahahahaha, yup. Again, it's just a conicidence. It's not related to the vaccination(s) because we say it isn't, just believe us. We have no evidence from proper trials or studies, just believe us and not those nasty conspiracy theorists/ tin foil hat wearers. Asking questions is bad for your health.