EU being spiteful again?

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What about people who have been hit by cars since the AZ jab? Did having the jab make them more susceptible to being hit by cars ?

Judging by how much my mum's arm was hurting afterwards, that is likely!
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17 million people have received the Astra Zeneca vaccine against 30 reports of blood clots.
Someone is having a laugh.
17 million people have received the Astra Zeneca vaccine against 30 reports of blood clots.
Someone is having a laugh.
I'll second that, about 1 in 1000 people will get it each year with no vaccine/pandemic involvement.
Which of the 150,000 UK deaths since vaccinations started, do you think they were.
I'm talking internationally, deaths after the AZ vaccine, not just UK.
  • Austria: One 49-year-old woman died while a 35-year-old woman developed a pulmonary embolism and is recovering, after taking the shots, a health agency said
  • Italy: Italy prosecutors seize batch of AstraZeneca vaccine after death of man
I suspect France, Germany, et al report similar cases.
Astra Zeneca. Mrs Mottie had the Pfizer.

Funnily enough, we know two friends who have/keep getting blood clots. Both have had the AZ and neither of them have had a clot since!
I did hear (radio?) that it does actually relieve clots rather than cause them.
What evidence is there that these 6 deaths were caused by AZ.
There is no evidence. if there were the vaccines would be destroyed.
I've said before that it is normal practice to suspend treatment or vaccines when an, as yet, unexplained death occurs, or even any serious side-effects.
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