Evolution part II

to say the bible is not Gods word,whithout reading and trying it. its the most fantastic book, and millions and vouch that its true,and infallible.
its like a haynes manuel about God,how to find him,how to live ,hope,and enternal future. its the best selling book in the world. it saves lives.
thank God for it.

so your evolutionist idea to solve the worlds poor,is sterilisation . thats evil.
its the sort thing hitler would of done.
theres no doctrine,that says you can or cannot use a condom. that is a man made legalistic doctrine.
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I think you will find that the religeous doctrines of the world have more than their fair share of shirt lifters, i'm surprised Jimmy Saville was not a Pope or vicar or similar..

as i said there some false converts who go to church for social or other reason,. the bible warns us of wolfs in sheeps clothing. i cant answer for the pope,or jimmy seville. God knows and sees the heart and intent of every man,and he deals whith them individuely.
to say the bible is not Gods word,whithout reading and trying it. its the most fantastic book, and millions and vouch that its true,and infallible.
its like a haynes manuel about God,how to find him,how to live ,hope,and enternal future. its the best selling book in the world. it saves lives.
thank God for it.

so your evolutionist idea to solve the worlds poor,is sterilisation . thats evil.
its the sort thing hitler would of done.
theres no doctrine,that says you can or cannot use a condom. that is a man made legalistic doctrine.

The Bible was written by MEN not God. There is a tremendous amount of Evil in the Bible. You clearly have not read it. I don't think giving your daughters away to your enemies is good teaching.
If the Bible is true as you claim then you support the evil that is in there. But like all of you God Botherer's, you cherry pick what to beliee and what to ignore. You either accept it all as true or none as true - you cannot Cherry pick.
B&B Says "no i am saying that God is working through his church"

Pray tell, which is gods church??

I believe:
In one God, all knowing, all powerful, existing in three persons (the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost) and present everywhere. (Matthew 19:26, Mark 14:36, Revelation 4:

That Jesus is fully man and fully God, and that in His person He is the perfect expression of God's love for me. (John 1:1)

That God desires a personal relationship with me, and that by His grace, through Jesus Christ, I am set free from the bondage of sin. (Ephesians 2:4-10)

I acknowledge:
That I have sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Romans 3:23)

That Jesus Christ is the Messiah, conceived of the Holy Ghost, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life and that when He died on the cross, through His blood atonement, He bore the penalty for my sins. (Matthew 1:18, 2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4)

That Jesus rose on the third day, in victory over death, and ascended to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God the Father. (Romans 8:34, Psalm 16:10)

I accept:
Jesus Christ's unconditional atonement for my sins, without price, without question. (Romans 3:23-26)

I will:
Obey the greatest commandment to love God with all my heart and all my soul and all my mind. And I will love my neighbor as I love myself. (Matthew 22:36-40)

Submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit and seek His guidance through the Bible - the Word of God.

Release my sins and burdens to Jesus, and allow Him to heal my heart.

Seek fellowship and worship with other believers. (1 John 1:5-7)

Obey Jesus' command to "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation." (Mark 16:15).

Do you want to know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior? It's as easy as asking Him to come into your heart and life. Find a believer to pray with you this simple prayer:

"Jesus, I know that I have sinned and that you have died to forgive me of my sins. Please come into my heart, and make me a new creation in you."

Now, go and tell someone for this is mandatory, according to the Word of God:

"That if you shall confess with your mouth (telling someone) the Lord Jesus (that Jesus is your Lord) and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, YOU SHALL BE SAVED!

For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. (Romans 10:9,10)
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I think you will find that the religeous doctrines of the world have more than their fair share of shirt lifters, i'm surprised Jimmy Saville was not a Pope or vicar or similar..

as i said there some false converts who go to church for social or other reason,. the bible warns us of wolfs in sheeps clothing. i cant answer for the pope,or jimmy seville. God knows and sees the heart and intent of every man,and he deals whith them individuely.

Don't you think he's a bit slow of the mark and not to hot on forward planning for some thing with so much clout,I think he'd be down the road if he worked for the universe I'm not impressed.
to say the bible is not Gods word,whithout reading and trying it. its the most fantastic book, and millions and vouch that its true,and infallible.
its like a haynes manuel about God,how to find him,how to live ,hope,and enternal future. its the best selling book in the world. it saves lives.
thank God for it.

so your evolutionist idea to solve the worlds poor,is sterilisation . thats evil.
its the sort thing hitler would of done.
theres no doctrine,that says you can or cannot use a condom. that is a man made legalistic doctrine.

The Bible was written by MEN not God. There is a tremendous amount of Evil in the Bible. You clearly have not read it. I don't think giving your daughters away to your enemies is good teaching.
If the Bible is true as you claim then you support the evil that is in there. But like all of you God Botherer's, you cherry pick what to beliee and what to ignore. You either accept it all as true or none as true - you cannot Cherry pick.

the bible is 100% true,even the horrible bits, men of God wrote the bible yes ,but as they wrote it,they were guided by the holy spirit.
old testament there was alot of scraping,makes it look like God was a
butcher, but you need to read it in all its context, you will find theres a good reasons why things happened.
B&B Wrote; the father, the son and the holy ghost, so freely translated that is big"G" & J.C. & and who or what the friggin el is the holy ghost?? where did he materialize from??

B&B I await your answer with baited breath..
to say the bible is not Gods word,whithout reading and trying it. its the most fantastic book, and millions and vouch that its true,and infallible.
its like a haynes manuel about God,how to find him,how to live ,hope,and enternal future. its the best selling book in the world. it saves lives.
thank God for it.

so your evolutionist idea to solve the worlds poor,is sterilisation . thats evil.
its the sort thing hitler would of done.
theres no doctrine,that says you can or cannot use a condom. that is a man made legalistic doctrine.

Well I haven't read through the entire thread yet but B&B while I respect your beliefs I would like to point out that millions of people would also vouch that the Quran is infallible and true, etc

I don't know who suggested sterlisation and in what context it was but one thing is for certain the human race is multiplying far to quickly for this planet to sustain, we are like a virus, a disease, something has to be done....Globally
The bottom line is that if you believe in science then you have to have the leap of faith that everything has come from nothing. If you believe it has come from something or always existed - then you believe in God. Take your pick.
This god guy, am i right in assuming hes been around forever? since before time began??
The bottom line is that if you believe in science then you have to have the leap of faith that everything has come from nothing. If you believe it has come from something or always existed - then you believe in God. Take your pick.

Why do you write god with a capital g please??
That's how I write Universe, World and Internet too. Why do you ask?
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