Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

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1) you first need to understand the difference between association and causation:
If you vaccinate billions of people around the world, there will be some adverse events in the weeks after

If you gave a custard cream to billions of people around the world, there will be adverse events in the weeks after.

2) then you need to realise covid causes myocarditis, so you need to see how many of those reported had a covid infection recently

3) then you need to compare %risk from vaccine versus %risk from covid

So we know that there is a risk of myocarditis from taking the vax and we know there is a risk of myocarditis from catching covid and we also know that the vax does not stop you from getting covid.
So you take the vax and double your chances of myocarditis because with the vax you are still going to get covid anyway.
And I keep telling you I am not an anti vaxer - I just didn't want this one thanks, but was forced to have it.
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Do you think I should get it from them sites you post on here where you have a gut feeling they're telling the truth and you never question they might be pulling your ****er.
Gant says "I am right"
Gant says: "the sources you get your information from is pants"
Gant then says "no I cant say where I get all my information from, but Im still right"
over 80,000 NHS staff were choosing not to have the vax.
EDIT to correct the 80,000 includs some who have a valid medical reason not to have it but that still leaves 52,000 choosing not to have the vax

It is very sad so many healthcare workers died from covid

its almost like it was a good idea to be vaccinated

Over 850 health and social care workers have now died of COVID-19​

In some groups health and social care workers are three times more likely to die of COVID-19 than the general population.​

So we know that there is a risk of myocarditis from taking the vax and we know there is a risk of myocarditis from catching covid and we also know that the vax does not stop you from getting covid.
So you take the vax and double your chances of myocarditis because with the vax you are still going to get covid anyway.
Even more misinformation. Why not try facts for a change?

I've highlighted 1 bit for you, because you struggle with facts.

Myocarditis can cause heart scarring that can be detected with cardiac MRI – there is a small chance of scarring causing a life-threatening arrhythmia in the future, and therefore people who are affected are likely to be offered long-term follow-up and monitoring.

Research has found that Covid-19 itself is much more likely to cause myocarditis than the vaccine is, and people who are vaccinated have a much lower risk of getting other serious complications caused by Covid-19.
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So we know that there is a risk of myocarditis from taking the vax and we know there is a risk of myocarditis from catching covid and we also know that the vax does not stop you from getting covid.
So you take the vax and double your chances of myocarditis because with the vax you are still going to get covid anyway.

"vax does not stop you getting covid"

that is a common dishonest phrasing used by anti vaxxers

lets examine what it means:

suppose the vaccination reduced the chance of getting covid to 1 in a billion: your above statement is still technically true
suppose the vaccination massively reduced the chance of hospitalisation: your above statement is still technically true

So please can you explain what practical purpose your statement actually serves as an argument......
So you take the vax and double your chances of myocarditis because with the vax you are still going to get covid anyway.

But there is / was a c. 1% chance of dying from the 'rona.

Myocarditis? 1-10 cases per 100k people. A thousand times lower than the 'rona.
And that wasn't of death, but mild illness. ( Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 59 (9): 779–792)
What is dishonest about it . Its fact
it is dishonest because it is is an unqualified statement so its being deliberately deceptive
it is like saying seat belts do not prevent you dying in a car accident

most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease

the covid vaccine significantly reduces severity and chances of being hospitalised
seat belts significantly reduce risk of death or serious injury
it is dishonest because it is is an unqualified statement so its being deliberately deceptive
it is like saying seat belts do not prevent you dying in a car accident

most vaccines do not completely prevent infection but do prevent the infection from spreading within the body and from causing disease

the covid vaccine significantly reduces severity and chances of being hospitalised
seat belts significantly reduce risk of death or serious injury
so you can still catch covid and still pass it on despite being vaccinated and boosted so the statement is true . In what way are the government scientists and health bodies throughout the world unqualified to release this fact to the public ?
so you can still catch covid and still pass it
The implication being it is no good, which is the problem with unqualified statements.

There is more to it than that.
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