Excess Deaths Debate 16th January 2024

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Vaccination against covid-19 has reduced deaths in Europe by at least 57% and saved at least 1.4 million lives, the World Health Organization has estimated. A preprint study by researchers from WHO/Europe reports that the known death toll from covid of 2.5 million in the WHO European Region could have been as high as four million without vaccines.1 The analysis of data from 34 countries also found that over 90% of lives saved were in people over 60.

The report includes country specific data showing that nations that implemented early vaccination programmes covering large parts of their population, such as Belgium, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Malta, the Netherlands, and the UK, saw the greatest benefit in the overall number of lives saved through vaccination. The study found that covid vaccination had saved most lives during the period of the omicron variant from December 2021 to April 2023, with 700 000 deaths prevented.

As of 10 April 2023, a total of 50 648 deaths caused by ‘COVID vaccines’ had been reported in EudraVigilance – broken down by disease (heart conditions, central nervous system disorders, etc.). Why then, in the EMA’s latest report of 8 December 2022, is it stated that only 11 448 deaths were flagged and recorded in the EudraVigilance database?
The world health organization lol full of dodgy geezers.
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We’ve established there is some risk, whoever small it is already.

You can’t say “no risk”
So you admit the rabid conspiracists on here are just fear mongering anti vaxxers.

the risk from the vaccine is less than that from covid, always has been
From YOUR link boyo.....

"...UK Government’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) advises that COVID vaccines should be offered to 5–11-year-old children in the UK, but also deems such immunisation as non-essential....."

Too difficult for you to understand?

Covid jab - safest medicine on the planet - FACT.
What that it's non essential.
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