Expanded ULEZ

If anyone stands as mayor to scrap it, I think they will win. But we all know the ULEZ money is needed to plug Khan's budget and has nothing to do with pollution. He's spent a few million telling us otherwise. Anyone else wanting to take over will have to find the money from somewhere and Khan's brilliant idea of taxing those who can't vote him out is a blinder.
Mayor of what? Toytown? In the real world the tory candidates are all luke warm nobodies, one has never held any elected office and the other is a right-wing headbanger, "NO TO ULEZ" isn't enough to overcome their other huge deficiencies.
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They go on about this pollution but what's in these chem trails they keep spraying us with.
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A nice summary from the beeb, the strongest argument against are the data used for compliance and the right to fast track it through.

Its quite clear that Naughty Sadiq, wanted the most optimistic data to be used for the consultation, hence the ridiculous approach of measuring cars already in the most central ULEZ zone and not those registered in the proposed zone. I think that is hard to defend.

This could end up in a delay being ordered, at best.
A nice summary from the beeb, the strongest argument against are the data used for compliance and the right to fast track it through.

Its quite clear that Naughty Sadiq, wanted the most optimistic data to be used for the consultation, hence the ridiculous approach of measuring cars already in the most central ULEZ zone and not those registered in the proposed zone. I think that is hard to defend.

This could end up in a delay being ordered, at best.
Wasn't it your hero, disgraced, lying scumbag Boris that initiated the ULEZ idea, back when he was Mayor?
Its quite clear that Naughty Sadiq, wanted the most optimistic data to be used for the consultation, hence the ridiculous approach of measuring cars already in the most central ULEZ zone and not those registered in the proposed zone. I think that is hard to defend.
The article says they used cameras in the LEZ for the estimate, not ULEZ.
Nobody apart from TfL knows where the cameras are or how big the survey was. TFL wont share the data. It's logical to use vehicles registered in the area and those just outside the area. Not those pinged on major routes in to the congestion charge zone.

'90% of vehicles are already ULEZ compliant'​

This was the claim of the mayor and Transport for London (TfL).
They said that nine out of 10 cars seen on automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras driving on an average day in outer London were compliant.
There was an unknown number of cameras at the time the claim was made, as TfL would not disclose how many there were in use.
Update - July 2023
  • In June, following a complaint, the UK Statistics Authority asked the mayor and TfL to provide data supporting the claim that nine out of 10 cars seen on automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras driving on an average day in outer London were ULEZ compliant. TfL has now published limited data, but did not tell the BBC how many vehicles in total were captured on camera and how many came in from outside London.
  • TfL later disclosed information on the number of cameras used to lawyers for five councils seeking to legally challenge the ULEZ expansion at the High Court in July 2023. It shows the mayor's claim was based on data from 106 cameras in outer London. For comparison, more than 1,100 cameras capture data in inner London, a smaller area. The Conservative-led councils have questioned the reliability of the outer London camera data and argue this should have been released during the consultation last year so it could be challenged. Their barrister claims "the non-disclosure of the ANPR data information was unfair and unlawful".
Separately, TfL released information about cars registered to addresses in outer London.
This is based on figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders.
It shows 84% of cars in outer London comply with emissions standards, which means that at least 280,000 cars - or about one in six - do not.
Reading the BBC report you posted earlier I noticed the judge had picked up on how much TFL were dictating terms.
Wasn't it your hero, disgraced, lying scumbag Boris that initiated the ULEZ idea, back when he was Mayor?
Boris' latest column in the Mail was about ULEZ. I pick it up @ the supermarket - glance @ his rantings and put it back. I wouldn't waste £1 on it. :rolleyes:
T charge targeted vehicles over 12 years old in the same area as the central London Congestion charge. Its a bit easier to justify an area with excellent public transport and much older cars.
How much spare capacity is there on the rail and tube network to take up the slack if people are forced onto public transport.
Should imagine the bus companies can increase their profits by running more buses whilst being good eggs saving the planet, increasing the rail network will inevitably fall on the taxpayer to pick up the tab, that's right the ones forced out of their cars.
How much spare capacity is there on the rail and tube network to take up the slack if people are forced onto public transport.
Should imagine the bus companies can increase their profits by running more buses whilst being good eggs saving the planet, increasing the rail network will inevitably fall on the taxpayer to pick up the tab, that's right the ones forced out of their cars.
I can tell you that the tube in rush hour is already over capacity.
A total failure in the making
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