Expanded ULEZ

If londoners want to boil themselves alive and choke themselves to death let them get on with it seems to be the press attitude, the very same press that runs campaigns about saving people with their charity work on cancer...lung cancer is 30% higher in major cities...

Alternatively they can do something about it simply fact 30% reduction in particulate matter soot and 30% reduction in nitrous oxide the stuff that makes the air brown in smog has been achieved with ulez. Nox is also greenhouse gas trapping heat. Do londoners really want themselves and their children to be exposed to a vile and painful long drawn out death choking on their own phlegm ?

The clean air act 1956 which banned coal was created with exactly the same hysteria...I cannot afford it , this is so unfair...

The rise of the selfish gits needs to be stopped, its a few grand to change a car...suck it up snowflakes and do something for everybody.
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If londoners want to boil themselves alive and choke themselves to death let them get on with it seems to be the press attitude, the very same press that runs campaigns about saving people with their charity work on cancer...lung cancer is 30% higher in major cities...

Alternatively they can do something about it simply fact 30% reduction in particulate matter soot and 30% reduction in nitrous oxide the stuff that makes the air brown in smog has been achieved with ulez. Nox is also greenhouse gas trapping heat. Do londoners really want themselves and their children to be exposed to a vile and painful long drawn out death choking on their own phlegm ?

The clean air act 1956 which banned coal was created with exactly the same hysteria...I cannot afford it , this is so unfair...

The rise of the selfish gits needs to be stopped, its a few grand to change a car...suck it up snowflakes and do something for everybody.
I suppose you live outside london, so not your problem.
Or, you change car every few years so to contribute to pollution ten times more than us who keep the same car running for at least 2 decades.
Micro vision.
It's the same argument of the scammers looking at what comes out of the exhaust pipe rather than the bigger picture, from sourcing the material to build the vehicle until disposal/recycling of components at the end of life.
If londoners want to boil themselves alive and choke themselves to death let them get on with it seems to be the press attitude, the very same press that runs campaigns about saving people with their charity work on cancer...lung cancer is 30% higher in major cities...

Alternatively they can do something about it simply fact 30% reduction in particulate matter soot and 30% reduction in nitrous oxide the stuff that makes the air brown in smog has been achieved with ulez. Nox is also greenhouse gas trapping heat. Do londoners really want themselves and their children to be exposed to a vile and painful long drawn out death choking on their own phlegm ?

The clean air act 1956 which banned coal was created with exactly the same hysteria...I cannot afford it , this is so unfair...

The rise of the selfish gits needs to be stopped, its a few grand to change a car...suck it up snowflakes and do something for everybody.
Are you not bedwetter here in question, the modern day diesel and petrol engine is far cry from it's counterpart in the past and with technology being what it is it can only get better.
Why electric then with it's necessity to rely on fossils fuels, is it because it's not as obvious it's using fossil fuels?
Think the bigger picture needs to be looked rather than hyperbole about phlegm, if you want to see phlegm is all about see what caused it in the fifties and sixties. Now we have a different sort of 'phlegm' killing us by way of what we eat and drink which is paid lip service too and are we able to say what we are prescribed by the pharmaceutical industry.
There's a bigger picture to be examined in all this madness were being fed on a daily basis, the latest one being vaginas being given the term bonus hole.
the modern day diesel and petrol engine is far cry from it's counterpart
That's kinda the point though, modern cars are ok, it's the old ones that are targeted
are we able to say what we are prescribed by the pharmaceutical industry.
Doctors prescribe things, not the pharmaceutical industry. Which you can of course decline to take.
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That's kinda the point though, modern cars are ok, it's the old ones that are targeted

Doctors prescribe things, not the pharmaceutical industry. Which you can of course decline to take.
Old cars by their very nature expire so why the need for a headlong rush to change to a car that relies on fossil fuels to a lesser extent?
Doctors prescribe things that are influenced by a pharmaceutical industry by way of lobbying and financial inducements.
People are waking up due to the resource of the internet that the doctors word is not gospel but there are still many who do as they're told as can be witnessed by the many sleeves rolled up to accept the jab.
Old cars by their very nature expire so why the need for a headlong rush to change to a car that relies on fossil fuels to a lesser extent?
Because, as you say, they rely on fossil fuels to a lesser extent. They are cleaner and the line should be drawn somewhere.
Because, as you say, they rely on fossil fuels to a lesser extent. They are cleaner and the line should be drawn somewhere.
Your making a distinction there why what's the timeframe involved before the planet burns.
Rather than beating people into submission with a big stick why not a more appropriate method of carrot and stick and a bit of explanation?
Which was a good thing. Not for this thread though.
You don't want this one to be shut down you mean, good. It does give more of an opportunity for commentators to be varied in their comments.
Rather than beating people into submission with a big stick why not a more appropriate method of carrot and stick and a bit of explanation?
It wouldn't matter how it is done, the affected will always moan about it.
Are you not bedwetter here in question, the modern day diesel and petrol engine is far cry from it's counterpart in the past and with technology being what it is it can only get better.
Exactly get shot of the older more dirty models...which is what Ulez is about.

scammers looking at what comes out of the exhaust pipe rather than the bigger picture, from sourcing the material to build the vehicle until disposal/recycling of components at the end of life.
Its exactly what is coming out the exhaust pipes that is the problem....
Exactly get shot of the older more dirty models...which is what Ulez is about.
Why the need for all the cameras and congestion charging then to be driven down that route.
Easy enough to be given a start and finish date to when a vehicle becomes considered not conducive to the environment it's operating in. Far better for the environment than paying a charge to 'pollute' the environment for those with the deepest pockets.
Which is where the charge is applied
At the expense of all the infrastructure needed to implement that charge. You can overcome that charge if you have deeper pockets though and pay the charge to carry on polluting the environment. Perhaps the charge is set at such a rate so they can carry on polluting the atmosphere at the same time raise revenue that's going to be lost when diesel and petrol use is in decline.
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