Expanded ULEZ

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One of the Car mechanics on here can probably comment but when I get my car's emissions done they can't just check a database and instead have to rely on a plate bolted to the car.
Haven’t done an emission test for a few years now but I don’t think things have changed much. When you carry out an emission test, there is a default 'fast pass' limit for diesels and a 'BET' (basic emission test) for petrol engines depending on the year. If it fails either, it must have a full emission test. The limits for that car is stored in a database in the emission testing machine and you have to enter the vin to carry out a full test. Carrying out a full test takes longer. One trick testers can use to help a car through is to not connect the engine speed sensor so that if the vehicle doesn’t pass the emissions test at the designated engine speed, you can rev it higher or even let it tickover and the machine will not know that. Not saying I did that of course. The only time you need to refer to the sticker for the emission limits is if it’s not in the machine. Of course, if it’s not in the machine and the sticker can’t be found or read, there are much looser default pass limits.
My understanding is that tfl will accept individual submissions from people who can go to their manufacturer and obtain proof that their vehicle is compliant. It still seems nonsense for say 300 people to individually contact, obtain proof and register compliance for a single vehicle model when tfl could have worked directly with manufacturers to flag the so called “early adopter” compliance. My guess is there is probably 5-10,000 additional complaint cars.

It’s in neither manufacturer nor TfL’s interest to make this process easy and I’d have liked to see some consumer like watch dog having oversight of this.

Had this been a privatised industry we’d see some sort of off-toll org with oversight.
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A nice summary from the beeb, the strongest argument against are the data used for compliance and the right to fast track it through.

Its quite clear that Naughty Sadiq, wanted the most optimistic data to be used for the consultation, hence the ridiculous approach of measuring cars already in the most central ULEZ zone and not those registered in the proposed zone. I think that is hard to defend.

This could end up in a delay being ordered, at best.

The court case was dismissed
This could cost labour a few seats in the next GE.

Plan 'B' for me then. ;)
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Yes, the khant had it its way.
This opens the doors for any mayor in the country to do whatever they f#cking want to make money and disregard the people they're supposed to serve, the same people who pay them a wage.
A shambolic verdict.
They were on about air pollution caused by rubber tyres on the radio last night

Studies suggest that the rubber particulates can cause cancer ??

Also when it rains it all eventually ends up in the sea contaminating fish that we than eat ???

Tory candidate for mayor next year said she would scrap this Ulez caper in her first week in office

Khan is a fruit cake any way so with any luck he will be kicked out of office ??
Next we will be getting charged on the epc ratings on our homes . Amongst other things
You off to France then? ;)

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