Expanded ULEZ

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The point of this new legislation is to make money.
fair enough.
But isn't it a way of clearing the air of dear ol' London town?
Maybe Khan can drum up some funds by charging tourists to wander round the crowded streets, as they plan to do in Venice. I think the Japanese going to do the same.
fair enough.
But isn't it a way of clearing the air of dear ol' London town?
Maybe Khan can drum up some funds by charging tourists to wander round the crowded streets, as they plan to do in Venice. I think the Japanese going to do the same.
TFL's own data shows the zone will have minimal effect, and that in terms of extending life, it will give an extra 13 minutes.
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TFL's own data shows the zone will have minimal effect, and that in terms of extending life, it will give an extra 13 minutes.
What will you do with this bonus, brought to you by a Labour mayor - raise a glass to his good health?
What about the people who haven't a pot to p*ss in and unable to get finance whose vehicle enables them to scratch a living.
Just throw them on scrapheap along with their vehicles then.
If they haven't got a pot to p*ss in and unable to get finance and depend on an old vehicle which enables them to scratch a living, it's not the Mayor's fault.
I'd blame the government.
If they haven't got a pot to p*ss in and unable to get finance and depend on an old vehicle which enables them to scratch a living, it's not the Mayor's fault.
I'd blame the government.
Going back to the Victorian period or beyond that?
There's always been a section of society who are unable to scale the great heights of gaining finance to get a new van, are they to be cast adrift in your world, which when it suits you you shout the loudest for the minorities in society.
Going back to the Victorian period or beyond that?
There's always been a section of society who are unable to scale the great heights of gaining finance to get a new van, are they to be cast adrift in your world, which when it suits you you shout the loudest for the minorities in society.
It's not the Mayor's fault that these people are in that position, that's the fault of the government.
I'd be all for the government providing a better safety net for these people.
It's not the Mayor's fault that these people are in that position, that's the fault of the government.
I'd be all for the government providing a better safety net for these people.
Straight from the socialist/ communist handbook, let's make everyone poor and rely on the government for handouts.
There's a new name for it as we live in an age of rewriting history, stakeholder capitalism, doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
Straight from the socialist/ communist handbook, let's make everyone poor and rely on the government for handouts.
There's a new name for it as we live in an age of rewriting history, stakeholder capitalism, doesn't that make you feel all warm and fuzzy.
Don't ask me, ask the Tory government. It's their policies, not mine, that make people poorer. It's their policies that create poverty, not mine.

You're chasing your own little narrative and you're ignoring anything I'm saying.
So it's pointless discussing anything with you. It's not a discussion, it's just you saying whatever you think pursues your narrative, and you're ignoring whatever I say.
Considering I think your a knave it couldn't be any other way could it.
Are you that gullible you think this tory party is a tory in belief. Surely you know Sunak is a WEF minion.
It's not the Mayor's fault that these people are in that position, that's the fault of the government.
I'd be all for the government providing a better safety net for these people.
It's not the mayors fault he extended the zone to rural quarters of outer London?
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Considering I think your a knave it couldn't be any other way could it.
Are you that gullible you think this tory party is a tory in belief. Surely you know Sunak is a WEF minion.
Does anyone talk gantish?
Can you translate for me, please.
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