Expanded ULEZ

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It's not the mayors fault he extended the zone to rural quarters of outer London.
You were concerned about the people living in poverty, but working.
It's not the Mayor's fault that working people are living in poverty. :rolleyes:
You were concerned about the people living in poverty, but working.
It's not the Mayor's fault that working people are living in poverty. :rolleyes:
That's a twist on words your apt to do.
There's lots of people living on the breadline but what were talking here is a section of those who have had their vehicles made redundant at the outer spectrum of London, who in some cases provide the services that their wage is just enough get by on.
You've no solution other than blame the government when it's Khan that's moved the goalposts.
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There's lots of people living on the breadline ... who in some cases provide the services that their wage is just enough get by on.
That is the blame of the government.
No way can you blame the Mayor for that,

You've no solution other than blame the government when it's Khan that's moved the goalposts.
If there had been a Labour government for the last ten years, the problem of people, working, living in poverty would not arise.
He doesn't really speak gantish.
Could you provide a translation?
I think he knows quite well what he's saying. I know you like being the centre of attention but I'm sure he can speak for himself without you butting in.
I know you like being the centre of attention but I'm sure he can speak for himself without you butting in.
I am apparently, the centre of attention in this other forum, that I don't have access to.
we all laugh at you in the CC.

Good to see that nwgs feels the need to discuss his posts that he intends to address to me, with these other anonymous members.
So far, he, and his advisers, have failed to make an intelligent comment.
Lol, got you on the end of a hook then.
I see what you did there.
I think Labour would have made a better job of the last ten years, and I'm hooked.
You think that the Tories have made a better job, and you're not hooked? :D
That thin skin is easily punctured.
Me? I'm proud to be the centre of attention.
And the fact that nwgs, with all of his advisers has still not managed an intelligent comment, amuses me.
I see what you did there.
I think Labour would have made a better job of the last ten years, and I'm hooked.
You think that the Tories have made a better job, and you're not hooked? :D
My views on political parties should be well known on here. That you think they give a stuff for the electorate other than general election time shows your obvious gullibility.
My views on political parties should be well known on here.
And your support for the current government shows you are content with them creating poverty within working families that can't obtain credit for a new vehicle.
That's not the fault of the Mayor.
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