Expanded ULEZ

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Seems one doth protest to much.
I'm not protesting, I'm enjoying you and nwgs make fools of yourselves.

I think yet again you've put some words together, of which you have no idea what they mean, but you thought it would make a sensible post.
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Then you're a foreign racist knobjockey. Not materially different.
If you say so.
Not touched by your allegation one little bit.
Anyone who's ever met me knows that there's not one bit of racism in me.
However, I despite people like khant who wish for other people to lower their living standards to that of third world countries (Tony Blair, Boris Johnson and others for example)
No matter what they are: blue, green, pink, yellow, multicolored, etc.
If disliking those scumbags makes me a racist, then I am one, possibly the biggest one.
Labour are about help for citizens who need it.
See Mottie's answer here below.
Just reposting in case someone missed it.
Has anybody told Khan that? It's mainly those that need it that are going to suffer with the ULEZ expansion by being hit in the pocket with extra charges, being forced to buy a car they can ill afford or even giving up their poorly paid jobs because they can't afford to get to them.
The Tories are all about what they and their greedy grasping chums can get out of the system.

Labour are about help for citizens who need it.

We are currently in a shoite mess because of the greedy grasping Tories.
I'd amend your statement slightly.
Labour will take decisions that do not feed the greedy grasping Tories.
They will take decisons sometimes that do not help out those needy financially. But those same people, along with the rest of the population (yes, the greedy grasping Topries as well) benefit from the improvement in the environment.
I can't think of anything that the greedy grasping Tories have done in the (especially) last five years to improve the environment.
So Labour might take decisions to improve the environment and we all have to pay a little.
Uunfortunately, they're not brave enough to make those who can easily afford it to pay more.
Why should a dwarf from a third world country tell them what car to drive???

He was born in London you racist knobjockey. He's as British as you are.

If you say so.
Not touched by your allegation one little bit.
Anyone who's ever met me knows that there's not one bit of racism in me.
However, I despite people like khant who wish for other people to lower their living standards to that of third world countries
If disliking those scumbags makes me a racist, then I am one, possibly the biggest one.
You can dislike whoever you want.
But when you make assumprions about someone's nationality based on their appearance, and make deprecating comments, you're a
racist knobjockey
Maybe you act differently in an anonymouse situation. Perhaps you exploit the opportunity to express your racist comments about someone you dislike.
Using such racist comments against someone that you dislike, also makes you a
racist knobjockey
You can dislike whoever you want.
But when you make assumprions about someone's nationality based on their appearance, and make deprecating comments, you're a

Maybe you act differently in an anonymouse situation. Perhaps you exploit the opportunity to express your racist comments about someone you dislike.
Using such racist comments against someone that you dislike, also makes you a
Whatever you say, himmy.
The lurid dwarf remains a khant who wants london to become like Pakistan.
And he's succeeding.
Whatever you say, himmy.
The lurid dwarf remains a khant who wants london to become like Pakistan.
And he's succeeding.
He was born in UK, and his parent were born in India.
You racist knobjockey.
If you can't present rational arguments against his policies, that is no excuse to resort to racist abuse.
Although in your case, I understand you have exhausted your rational argument.
There is never any excuse to resort to racist abuse.
so back to rational arguments.
ULEZ expansion:
- negligible pollution reduction
- hits the poorest hardest
- cameras are being destroyed faster than they can be fixed.
- huge waste of money on "scientific" research, media campaigns, scrapping perfectly good vehicles, buying cameras, signs and vans, enforcing fees. By an virtue signalling mayor who doesn't want you to notice that everything turned to sh** since he got in.
so back to rational arguments.
ULEZ expansion:
- negligible pollution reduction
- hits the poorest hardest
- cameras are being destroyed faster than they can be fixed.
- huge waste of money on "scientific" research, media campaigns, scrapping perfectly good vehicles, buying cameras, signs and vans, enforcing fees. By an virtue signalling mayor who doesn't want you to notice that everything turned to sh** since he got in.
It doesn't hit the poorest hardest as they can't afford to keep a car.
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