They took a reputational risk based decision to apologise, but crucially they have maintained his exit was based on commercial grounds, and have not offered him his account back, unsurprising given the damage the story has caused them.
The bbc has not apologised.
There is no need whatsoever to change any banking rules. If anything they should be tightened up to protect banks who make bona fide decisions to exit customers on reasonable grounds. If an employee makes political comments that harm his relationship with their employer, they might get the sack, even though their views would be illegal if expressed elsewhere. Same with far-rage, he is entitled to his views but the bank is entitled to protect its reputation.
I get all that but would you be truly comfortable with an employer being able to sack an employee on the basis that they voted for brexit or were a raving Liberal Democrat?
I'm not, and that would equally apply if the employee were a remainer or a Conservative.