BnB?It's possible that Doggit actually doesn't understand, in which case someone can surely explain?
Oh no I can't.Some animals have four legs.
If I have one horse, two dogs and a cat, I have four animals with four legs
If I have one cat, I have one animal with four legs.
If I have only a budgie, I have no animals with four legs.
If I have only an Arcoptrix, but I have no animals with four legs, then you can deduce that an Archeoptrix is not an animal with four legs.
The correct term should be anti-Jewish and not anti-Semitic, there are 100's of millions of Semites in the world and most of them are not Jewish.Are you saying there are some Jews which are not semitic?
There are certainly semitic people who are not Jewish.
Is being against the treatment of the muslims in Myanmar (which Corbyn also mentioned) being anti-buddhist?
It's interesting that after a long and partially thoughtful discussion, with some good and sensible points, notch woodbine throws in a vague smear to keep the fire smouldering. The very thing that's been commented on.
Yes, this is just a rumour spread by the RWRs because they don't like Labour.
Notch very much among them.