GB News

Could be a long day.
See what you make of this.

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So you can assess whether she's talking ****** or not but us mere mortals can't because we would only be brainwashed?
Good job we've got auntie BBC and the msm who won't allow these sort too get an airing.
If you can't understand when you are wasting your time listening and/ or believing what you are told carry on.

I don't believe anything that can't be backed up.

Brainwashing occurs when you don't challenge. Easiest challenge is the supporting evidence or lack of.
After a certain amount of time of being served up the same dish the 'entertainment' comes from watching the mechanics of spin used.
After a certain amount of time of being served up the same dish the 'entertainment' comes from watching the mechanics of spin used.
the irony is the right claiming they stand for free speech when this Tory govt spend their whole time trying to control the media.
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After a certain amount of time of being served up the same dish the 'entertainment' comes from watching the mechanics of spin used.
Do you watch the spin or believe it ?

Think you have managed to find it all and be "spin free " ?
I accept the limitations I as an individual can affect change.
Is that what you mean?
So you can assess whether she's talking ****** or not but us mere mortals can't because we would only be brainwashed?
Good job we've got auntie BBC and the msm who won't allow these sort too get an airing.
I meant this

are you able or unable to know when to stop listening or start questioning ? Or is everything you are told "spin free"
Did you not summise that when I mentioned the same dish being served up?
So you can assess whether she's talking ****** or not but us mere mortals can't because we would only be brainwashed?
Good job we've got auntie BBC and the msm who won't allow these sort too get an airing.
If you just repeat what you hear with questioning it, and believe it to be true, then yes, you've been brainwashed.

I find it funny how people will say "don't believe the bbc lies, the msn is all lies!" and then believe everything they see on Tik Tok or GB News without question.

People repeat the conspiracies verbatim, a sure sign there's no scrutiny taking place.

Just because some other channels might also be less than perfect doesn't make GB News any better.
You've time to edit the post before the early risers get up to make yourself look less of a fool.
Nah, I'm happy with it as it is.
I don't expect others to feel the same.
you don't want to discuss the point I made.
That right wing biassed news outlets and media pages have notoriously flimsy truth standard and are renowned for posting untruths

Correct. It is great that we have the world renowned BBC. (y)
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