General Election 4th July

On what will be much worse terms than we had before and threw away because...... of those pesky foreigners working for peanuts. And we have another thread moaning about how we need low wages.

Couldn't make it up
I jest. In truth, Labour can't reassess the decision to leave the EU - i don't think anyone can for another generation or two. Just like Scottish Independence. It's a dodo. (or a do-don't?)
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...when Labour re-apply to the EU.
LOL In your dreams or are you one of the rejoin by stealth believers? Labour have said they intend to work on Brexit problems. This might just be to continue to be able to join in with EU projects when they appear. Chipping in makes sense as it allows things that we couldn't afford to do on our own or to just save money.

LOL Changes that loose our Sovereign rites. One aspect I have wondered about as if we export there we have to meet what ever statuary requirements they have set. Dangerous ground politically so I doubt if there will be any changes in this area.
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LOL In your dreams or are you one of the rejoin by stealth believers? Labour have said they intend to work on Brexit problems. This might just be to continue to be able to join in with EU projects when they appear. Chipping in makes sense as it allows things that we couldn't afford to do on our own or to just save money.

LOL Changes that loose our Sovereign rites. One aspect I have wondered about as if we export there we have to meet what ever statuary requirements they have set. Dangerous ground politically so I doubt if there will be any changes in this area.

Explain Sovereign rights not rites unless you are doing something ceremonial or religious like offering a Donkey sacrifice to the Tory party? :giggle:
Let's suppose you lived in a country where the rivers and seas were full of excrement, schools were crumbing as their concrete roofs collapsed, and the energy generation and transmission infrastructure was inadequate.

I'm not suffering and I believe you have increased your skiing holidays so you can’t be suffering too much either.
I commented on your response to JD's post (above yours), I.e. water company shareholders getting rich from screwing Utilities consumers.
Immigration was out of control.
I dont think that affected Mottie in any material way

although it wasnt due to EU membership, that was due to Tony Blair not imposing transition arrangements when the A8 Eastern blok countries joined

Even so Im not sure it was a major problem given that unemployment remained low during that period, so had we not had significant net EU immigration we wouldve had stalled economic growth
LOL In your dreams or are you one of the rejoin by stealth believers? Labour have said they intend to work on Brexit problems. This might just be to continue to be able to join in with EU projects when they appear. Chipping in makes sense as it allows things that we couldn't afford to do on our own or to just save money.

LOL Changes that loose our Sovereign rites. One aspect I have wondered about as if we export there we have to meet what ever statuary requirements they have set. Dangerous ground politically so I doubt if there will be any changes in this area.
Read post #271.
Let's suppose you lived in a country where the rivers and seas were full of excrement, schools were crumbing as their concrete roofs collapsed, and the energy generation and transmission infrastructure was inadequate.
Great to see the Tory supporters reminding us.

That's where we are.

And they brought us here.
The Tory are running a TV add that clearly shows the supposed £2000 hole in Labours financing plans. It was broadcast yesterday evening. Maybe they assume few listen to the news.

;) It also showed Rishi the commander bent over a lap top with a finger on a key studying it intently.

Plus the usual tropes, dangerous world etc and other "factors".
I commented on your response to JD's post (above yours), I.e. water company shareholders getting rich from screwing Utilities consumers.
JD often brags about his shareholding’s especially when he sees 40% gains in them. Can you ask him what companies he holds shares in because he has me on ‘question ignore' when I ask him the same question.
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