General Election 4th July

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Years and years ago, I used to follow UKPollingReport at election time. It's not my thing any more, but a good place to see a discussion of the latest opinion polls.

I didn't see the posts you mention.

Having looked at the FT poll of polls, I see variations, but not a narrowing.

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Rishi left the D-Day commemorations early to do an interview with ITV. Classy! David Cameron had to deputise.

His jacket is too big for him, the lapels not correctly pressed, and his hair is not well-cut.

Has he fallen on hard times?.
Danny Finkelstein, a Conservative peer and grandee who advised both Hague and his predecessor, PM John Major, in the 1990s, fears a long-term reversal of Tory fortunes is on the horizon. “Having been for a century the natural party of government, with occasional periods of progressive alternative, we could be in a position where we have long periods of Labour with occasional periods of Conservative governments,” he said.

Right-wing agitator Nigel Farage, speaking on a forthcoming episode of POLITICO’s Westminster Insider podcast, was blunter. “They’ve killed themselves,” he said. “It’s done. It’s over.”

A telling poll on BBC news last night showed the Tories collecting 19% of the vote...and Reform gathering 17%. Only a projection, sure, but it's an early indicator of how big a bite Farage could take out of Tory seats at their current rate of collapse. The aftermath will be brutal and backbenchers like Patel and Braverman will be howling for blood as they feed on the carrion feast left behind.
Years and years ago, I used to follow UKPollingReport at election time. It's not my thing any more, but a good place to see a discussion of the latest opinion polls.

It’s worth nothing that Yougov has changed it’s methodology on its voting intention polling

I expect some nutters will not notice and try and compare with its old polling

Latest polling shows
Labour 40%
Conservative 19%

Sensible use of time, Sunak had issues to address and Cameron's an able deputy.

Tim Montgomerie's view

Tim Montgomerie, the founder of the grassroots Conservative Home website, told BBC Newsnight: “I want to put my head in my hands. If he came back for a political interview from the D-day commemorations that is indefensible.

“This is going to be the last big commemoration where survivors will be present,” he added. “I think it’s political malpractice of the highest order if Mr Sunak absented himself for an election interview on ITV.”
"This government will have integrity, professionalism and accountability at every level. Trust is earned. And I will earn yours."

Today, Sunak stands by his claim Labour will increase tax by £2,000.
There used to be a good discussion of different polling companies and methodologies.

It seems to have turned into just another politics discussion forum. Previously it was better moderated and was much more focused on polling. But it is run by different people now.
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