LOl @ ban-all-sheds

I WAS waiting for YOU to give a full resume on my trite post ,lol saved my fingers ....
"then give them apologies and payouts too "

could I just correct you there the British Govt DID NOT Apologise or PAY ANY compo to convicted Terrorists on EITHER Side ...
those released were under strict Home Office Guidance ,they are on licence,
It really upset me that these killers of innocent people were released but you have to make VERY Hard Decisions if you want Lasting Peace ...
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Oh right, so The Guildford Four didn't get apologies and pay outs then? I know they eventually had their convictions overturned but at least one of them committed so many crimes whilst in prison it was unbelieveable....

Sorry, not getting at you - just the blardy British Govt and the system. :rolleyes:
Moz said:
9/11 stopped the Iriosh situation stone dead ....
from that day on NO country had freedom fighters (as every cause likes to call their Killers !) just terrorists

+ the good friday agreement an the Brit intel having spies in the IRA command ..helped .. :)

I wish life were that simple. Riots in Belfast last summer were after 9/11
The IRA "ceasefire" predated 9/11 by a good few years
Spies in the IRA, when werent there spies in the IRA, didn't seem to stop them in the past eighty odd years, why would it do so now?
I was in Belfast last Wednesday. They still have 30 ft high fences seperating Nationalist and Unionist areas. Unoccupied houses both sides of the fence that people are afraid to live in. Steel gates to shut off roads. Doesn't seem "Stone Dead" is a good description.
Bit more work to be done before we can all sleep contented that it is over.

As to IRA wearing black hoods, When was the last time you saw the face of a SAS member. The reason both wear hoods is that its good for their health.
But the SAS is a legal 'organisation' and work all over the world (not just blowing people up for the sheer hell of it)!

I think it's really sad the way things are in NI and there's no way it can all be blamed on religion either.

I am so glad that my own kids can go to school in peace and know they can go out in reasonable safety too :D
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Richardp said:
Just remember what we went to Iraqi for, Its difficult I know but didnt we go there to liberate them from a bullying dictator?
The illegal war was about weapons of mass destruction they tried to tell us lied by claiming they has to get rid Saddam when no weapons was found. It was an excuse to rid of Saddam, well they've done that and more & more people are now killed since the war which hasn't ended, again more lies. It's now a terrible mess than ever.

My opinion on Blair & Bush is that they're both are bullying dictator as well. The Iraq was no threat to the UK, so why aren't they be tried as war criminals?
what you are seeing still are Gangsters not any moral high ground freedom fighters as they thought they were ...
I really believe that the Decent new generation of NI teens will find the thought of sectarian (sp?)violence just plain wrong ,

also it would help if both sides were to stop saying all violence is sectarian ,when its just ex party members back to being gangsters/thugs ...

The Guildford Four ...were found innocent an deserve compo .... an any violence connected in prison is living to that Jungle mentality/lifestyle , fight or die ...


hello there :)
we will be in another illegal war ....Iran war this year by Dec at least ...
Brightness said:
But the SAS is a legal 'organisation' and work all over the world (not just blowing people up for the sheer hell of it)!

I think it's really sad the way things are in NI and there's no way it can all be blamed on religion either.

I am so glad that my own kids can go to school in peace and know they can go out in reasonable safety too :D

Legal and working all over the world. They weren't legal in Iraq when they operated there when Sadam was in power.
Were British forces just blowing people up for the sheer hell of it in Iraq when they dropped bombs or fired missiles? Of course not. They believed their actions were moral and justified. Believing you are right wether you are a terrorist or a member of a army doest make you right. But unless we join the pacifists we cant just condemn people as murderers because we disagree with their actions.

Is religion to blame? Of course not Its economics. First world war the second world war Iraq, Northern Ireland, South of Ireland. To me it seems nearly every war is down to economics.
Brightness said:
But the SAS is a legal 'organisation' and work all over the world (not just blowing people up for the sheer hell of it)!

I think it's really sad the way things are in NI and there's no way it can all be blamed on religion either.

I am so glad that my own kids can go to school in peace and know they can go out in reasonable safety too :D
Everyones army is legal in their eyes.
You got a DAMN FACKING CHEEK bringing up WW1 WW2

wasnt it the iriosh who were Nazi sympathisers the only country to hear of Hitlers death to send
Good point, and it brings us full circle. We must demand that "our" army operates to a standard that we can believe is right. squaddies beating the ** out of rioters may be understandable from our own perspective but that may not make it right.
Moz said:
You got a DAMN f*****g CHEEK bringing up WW1 WW2

wasnt it the iriosh who were Nazi sympathisers the only country to hear of Hitlers death to send

With the shouting and vulgarity I miss your point. Are you suggesting that both world wars were not to do with economics? If so I would have to disagree. Hitlers desire to rule Europe was certainly to do with economics. German support for Hitler was certainly to do with a perception that they were being abused as a result of having to pay the required level compensation for the WW1. That doest mean Hitler was not an evil person. It does not mean that he was only motivated by some high sense of injustice. But had the economics been different he would never of had power.
As for the Irish being Nazi sympathizers. I would disagree. To be blunt we were anti British. Couldn't stomach lining up on the same side. The old adage My enemies enemies are my friends. Years of war between us tended to have that effect. Just as Londoners didn't have a great love for Germans, People in Cork didn't tend to feel warmth for the British army that burned our city to the ground. It has taken a long time for attitudes to change.
"With the shouting and vulgarity I miss your point. Are you suggesting that both world wars were not to do with economics? If so I would have to disagree. Hitlers desire to rule Europe was certainly to do with economics. German support for Hitler was certainly to do with a perception that they were being abused as a result of having to pay the required level compensation for the WW1. That doest mean Hitler was not an evil person. It does not mean that he was only motivated by some high sense of injustice. But had the economics been different he would never of had power.
As for the Irish being Nazi sympathizers. I would disagree. To be blunt we were anti British. Couldn't stomach lining up on the same side. The old adage My enemies enemies are my friends. Years of war between us tended to have that effect. Just as Londoners didn't have a great love for Germans, People in Cork didn't tend to feel warmth for the British army that burned our city to the ground. It has taken a long time for attitudes to change."

LOL @ ^ I said Nazi sympathisers... ;)
Moz said:
You got a DAMN f*****g CHEEK bringing up WW1 WW2

wasnt it the iriosh who were Nazi sympathisers the only country to hear of Hitlers death to send

You got a DAMN f*****g CHEEK bringing up WW1 WW2, whys that moz?
I say this cause the Nazi sympathiser makes out that WW1 /WW2 was just about Economics when it wasnt ,it was about a countries fascist leaders controlling the masses ..
happy now lad lol
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