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Similarly, I do not condone the racial abuse inflicted by others. I can empathise with confronting such racists and being abused for it.
To be arrested for it would be unacceptable. Minority groups that have experienced racism learn to see it coming a mile off.
We don't know what such confrontation with the racist entailed. We don't know how the racist was dealt with. It certainly looks as though there was no dialogue between the police and those that they tried to forcibly arrest. It looked like the police steamed in and immediately tried to arrest one of the men.
Until we know the whole story it's silly to jump to conclusions.

Minority groups have learned screaming racism will often get them their own way
Minority groups have learned screaming racism will often get them their own way

Falsely characterised Minority groups have learned screaming racism will often get people to realise the extent of racism that pervades society.
The kind of racism that you appear to be unaware of.
I don't think racism, at least in the uk, exists in its traditional form now, no one of any colour or background is discriminated against.
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Play the race card ? Failing that play the “I can’t breath card “ ;) When arrested / detained

Been watching some plod arrest videos from the states

Both cards are par for the course ;)

That and this sovereign citizen nonsense generally played by the red neck ? Types
Absolutely genuine question :

What do you think was the likely racial / ethnic demographic of the passenger manifest, of a flight from Pakistan?
Irrelevant, The media described the action as racial abuse. I made no assumption of the ethnicity/religion/nationality of the abuser.
Travelling in close proximity to others can generate discomfort.
It's not uncommon for racists to resort to racial abuse in the first or second instant.

The media report the accusation as racial abuse.

Which you've already acknowledged as unproven and, in your own words,
No, none of the gossip has yet been proven, including the detail that you have added. It's all guesswork, as yet.
Insiders say that while she was picking up her luggage in Terminal 2 the same man pushed her with his trolley and made racist comments towards her, with the mother later pointing him out to her sons.

I think the DM report looks more factual and detailed (if a DM report ever looks factual) than your report that had no source attached to it.
The trouble was reportedly started by some stupid cow kicking off on a flight.

The group then started on the police when they tried to arrest said stupid cow.

"Endangering the safety of an aircraft" is not something taken lightly.

So we are both guilty of reporting gossip. :)
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