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I don't think racism, at least in the uk, exists in its traditional form now, no one of any colour or background is discriminated against.
It was claimed that the pair's mother, who was flying into Manchester on Tuesday evening from Pakistan, was involved in a row while the plane was in the air with a male passenger.

Insiders say that while she was picking up her luggage in Terminal 2 the same man pushed her with his trolley and made racist comments towards her, with the mother later pointing him out to her sons.

The sources claim that the row became more heated when one of the son's confronted the man, before a physical altercation took place and the police were called.
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You really are stupid aren't you. You can buy a ticket, but they would prefer the audience to be black. Don't you get the message.
The trouble was reportedly started by some stupid cow kicking off on a flight.

The group then started on the police when they tried to arrest said stupid cow.

"Endangering the safety of an aircraft" is not something taken lightly.
If I was racially abused, even on a flight, I might 'kick off'.
I doubt if an old women, on her own, could create much consternation.
Especially in places like flights one needs to be considerate and on one's best behaviour.

The police didn't try to arrest the woman, they tried to arrest her sons for confronting the racist.
You really are stupid aren't you. You can buy a ticket, but they would prefer the audience to be black. Don't you get the message.
At last you've read the article. :rolleyes: Now I hope you will recognise your own stupidity.
Can you see the difference between 'they would prefer' and your earlier 'I'm not allowed'? :rolleyes:
They have several genuine reasons for preferring some shows to be only black audiences.
It's just 2 nights a week. You can attend any show, but if you can't, or don't want to, or would be uncomfortable to be surrounded by a mainly black audience, you have several other nightly shows to attend.
And you would be welcome.
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The question comes down to whether the policeman’s actions were reasonable force or an act of retribution.

If the guy on the ground, combined with the others still fighting, contributed an active threat, then force is justified.

Kicking somebody’s head and stamping on it is very risky, he could’ve fractured the guys skull and killed him…then he would be facing life time in prison….thank goodness that didn’t happen for all involved.
Himy let us see

Have you been banned from this forum under your other identities for

- racism
- antisemitism
- support of a prescribed terrorist group

or any other combination of the above.

pray do tell us.
If I was racially abused, even on a flight, I might 'kick off'.
I doubt if an old women, on her own, could create much consternation.
Especially in places like flights one needs to be considerate and on one's best behaviour.

The police didn't try to arrest the woman, they tried to arrest her sons for confronting the racist.

Be that as it may, they carried out a violent and sustained attack on the police.

While I do not condone the actions of the copper, I have zero sympathy for someone who is so stupid / "'ard" as to mess around in the vicinity of armed police, let alone attack them or their colleagues. What were they trying to prove? Were they trying to get shot?

"You f##k around, you find out" is very apt.
Himy let us see

Have you been banned from this forum under your other identities for

- racism
- antisemitism
- support of a prescribed terrorist group

or any other combination of the above.

pray do tell us.
I assume you've now realised how mistaken your posts about Black out nights, and subsequent comments were. :rolleyes:
Try just answering the question about your identities and previous banning Himy
Interesting to see that the Gammons approve of police violence.

"Police clash with protesters at Tommy Robinson march in London"​

Be that as it may, they carried out a violent and sustained attack on the police.
I was addressing your reference to "the stupid cow" who had been racially abused, and your mistake about who was being arrested.
The trouble was reportedly started by some stupid cow kicking off on a flight.

The group then started on the police when they tried to arrest said stupid cow.

"Endangering the safety of an aircraft" is not something taken lightly.

While I do not condone the actions of the copper, I have zero sympathy for someone who is so stupid / "'ard" as to mess around in the vicinity of armed police, let alone attack them or their colleagues. What were they trying to prove? Were they trying to get shot?
Similarly, I do not condone the racial abuse inflicted by others. I can empathise with confronting such racists and being abused for it.
To be arrested for it would be unacceptable. Minority groups that have experienced racism learn to see it coming a mile off.
We don't know what such confrontation with the racist entailed. We don't know how the racist was dealt with. It certainly looks as though there was no dialogue between the police and those that they tried to forcibly arrest. It looked like the police steamed in and immediately tried to arrest one of the men.
Until we know the whole story it's silly to jump to conclusions.

"You f##k around, you find out" is very apt.
Police are not immune nor innocent from behaving badly.
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