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The lengths some people will go to defend this policeman is really quite sad.

My favourite was that he was scared that a man lying face down and motionless on the floor, with his arms by his side, with two police aiming tasers at him, was going to jump up, over power him and steal his gun.

In fact, it's not just quite sad. It is utterly pathetic and cowardly. Or perhaps there is another motivation for defending him.
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The difference as you almost get it. Getting control, and going too far afterwards.
Plus you expect more from a trained copper as compared to Joe Public.

No they carried on with a sustained attack on the cops .
Surely such a sustained attack on armed cops would have resulted in a firearm being drawn to regain control of the situation?

What was the guy pepper sprayed for?
As I say, I'm sure everyone on here who seems to support the head kick will remain true to their stance on this if they or one of their nearest/dearest ever find themselves in a situation where a member of the police snaps and does likewise.

If you've seen my stance on things within other threads, I'm far from advocating a softly softly police force. However, unless the evidence shows the actions of this policeman were warranted, I'd stop short of almost anyone being kicked in the head during arrest.
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This thread is about white middle aged men that are right wing, support Brexit, Johnson and Trump supporting a Muslim being kicked in the head.

Gas112 supports Muslims being kicked in the head
Algas supports Muslims being kicked in the head

Both are too cowardly to admit the truth
i support any halfwit who attacks an armed copper getting sorted out regardless of skin colour , race religion or whatever other shyte you want to try and bring into it . Your meds certainly need upping .
This thread is about white middle aged men that are right wing, support Brexit, Johnson and Trump supporting a Muslim being kicked in the head.
It’s not.
Gas112 supports Muslims being kicked in the head
Algas supports Muslims being kicked in the head
More rubbish from the one that thinks Trump was not hit with a bullet in that assassination attempt.
If you've seen my stance on things within other threads, I'm far from advocating a softly softly police force. However, unless the evidence shows the actions of this policeman were warranted, I'd stop short of almost anyone being kicked in the head during arrest
I have no problem with police kicking somebody in the head or any other action, if the police are in active danger and such actions are necessary to neutralise the threat and prevent further injuries to police to public

But that was not the situation, the guy was on the floor face down, he was in a prone position, the kick and stamp were pure revenge and anger.
i support any halfwit who attacks an armed copper getting sorted out regardless of skin colour , race religion or whatever other shyte you want to try and bring into it . Your meds certainly need upping .
Did you support the actions of the police kneeling on George Floyd’s head?
A = yes you did.

Gas112 support police violence on ethnic minorities but is too cowardly to admit he is a racist gammon along with his sidekick Algas

I’m glad we cleared that up
Did you support the actions of the police kneeling on George Floyd’s head?
A = yes you did.

Gas112 support police violence on ethnic minorities but is too cowardly to admit he is a racist gammon along with his sidekick Algas

I’m glad we cleared that up
do the voices in your head ever talk sense , The good thing about your rants is they wind you up while we all just laugh at you
I have no problem with police kicking somebody in the head or any other action, if the police are in active danger and such actions are necessary to neutralise the threat and prevent further injuries to police to public

But that was not the situation, the guy was on the floor face down, he was in a prone position, the kick and stamp were pure revenge and anger.
I dont understand how some people cannot or will not understand the difference.
do the voices in your head ever talk sense , The good thing about your rants is they wind you up while we all just laugh at you
You wouldn’t support what the policeman did if it was a white person he was kicking

This thread is all about a white policeman kicking a brown Muslim in the head and white gammon plumbers applauding.
I have admitted that I am recist in other posts and proud of it.

Also to add if it had been white people assaulting the poilce in that way I would have no qualms about them recieving the same treatment. Its about time people started to do as they are told by the police, rather than think they are all special (ethnic) cases and can't be touched.
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You wouldn’t support what the policeman did if it was a white person he was kicking

This thread is all about a white policeman kicking a brown Muslim in the head and white gammon plumbers applauding.
keep winding yourself up notch you must be getting near boiling point by now , but who are these plumbers your referring to what are the voices in your head telling you
I have admitted that I am recist in other posts and proud of it

That's actually quite refreshing. Most racists try to deny it, to a greater or lesser degree.

So, what sort of racist are you? What would you say your motivation is? Do you just hate brown and black people, or do you actually feel they are inferior or even sub-human?
All these lefty fooook wits condoning violence against the police, they are part of the problem
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