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Any police officer with any injury is sent to hospital as policy. That doesn’t equate to being “hospitalised”
I fell off a ladder at work from 40cm and they made me go to A&E.
The man kicked now has a brain injury.

If there was an altercation between the individuals and some people who had allegedly been racially abusing their mother on the plane, it was over. The individuals that we have seen were approached in the car park (?) . It depends on how they were approached by the police and should all be on body cameras. Also on CCTV.

The police also pepper sprayed people legally videoing.
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Doesn't look like excessive force. Look at the footage. The PC isn't kicking him hard. In the UK we are used to police being unarmed and used to them asking us nicely to do things. With some violent individuals there is no choice but to subdue them properly
Good grief, what nonsense
Well imo if said bloke had been involved in a violent altercation ?? prior to that video ?? than tbh I dont really care if he did get a kicking

If he was an innocent party than thats different ??

seems the race card is being played ( no surprise ;) )
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He was lying on the ground with his hands by his side when he was assaulted. He wasn't going for his gun.
look at the video behind him someone else is still fighting with another copper now before the copper in question can go and help the other copper he needs to make sure that the absolute c#nt he is dealing with is incapacitated other wise he could then jump him from the back and get involved again
All of that is irrelevant

The threat had already been removed, the guy was already contained he was in a prone position.
there was not just one person involved though was there you need to make sure the person you are dealing with will not get back up and get involved again .You are a feking halfwit who would rather see our security guys get possibly killed
look at the video behind him someone else is still fighting with another copper now before the copper in question can go and help the other copper he needs to make sure that the absolute c#nt he is dealing with is incapacitated other wise he could then jump him from the back and get involved again

He was arrested, restrained, and held down on the floor.
If a cop shot a guy who was flat on the floor, that would be murder.
no it wouldnt be ...
these are anti terrorist police have you never heard of a kill switch get a grip ffs
He was arrested, restrained, and held down on the floor.
what so when the copper went to help his mate who was still fighting with someone who may have took his gun this c@@t would not have got up and helped his mate. Jesus get a grip
All of that is irrelevant

The threat had already been removed, the guy was already contained he was in a prone position.
What bit of there was not just one guy involved are you struggling with the threat had not been removed in any way
What bit of there was not just one guy involved are you struggling with the threat had not been removed in any way
Nobody seems to wonder why a group of armed police allowed the situation to get out of control in the first place?
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