Good old Coutts

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How? Here is the Coutts ESG page. Which bit is to do with closing customer accounts?

If it’s used to approve customers and monitor customers, it’s used to drop a customer.

You can’t be that naive.
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Which bit, just quote it.
I’ve just realised today you and your “possible” other accounts are all narcissistic. No point in engaging, and that’s where the petulance comes from, then the threads go when you’ve lost.

I’ll leave you “all” to it.
Denso and Carmans rubber bedsheets will be taking a pounding tonight.
Opening salvo
"We aim to make the most of your wealth without harming the environment or society over time. Here's how we do it"

Watch him avoid that. I don’t know why we bother. Read his posts in the CC. Courting the …’s.
Opening salvo
"We aim to make the most of your wealth without harming the environment or society over time. Here's how we do it"
Good, that is how they will invest customers money. And you think that means "we'll close your account if you don't agree with us"?
Good, that is how they will invest customers money. And you think that means "we'll close your account if you don't agree with us"?
Imagine when all the banks sing from the same hymn sheet how awkward that makes things if you let it be known your a climate change denier.
Should we go down the route of mandatory jabs now, officiated by the WHO and you let it be known you won't accept the jab.
You see how Orwellian it's becoming to appear.
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