Good old Coutts

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Do some bedtime reading on the ESG that banks are signed up too, if you agree with all it says than you won't have trouble getting a bank account. If you vehemently disagree with it you could possibly be turned down by the bank in a time when cash has more or less become defunct.
Do you agree with them cancelling your account?
Please can you point to where I said he can't function without a Coutts account.
NatWest, National Westminster, Coutts are not one of the few banks "signed up" to ESG.
HSBC are possibly the only UK based bank "signed up" to ESG.


I ask again:
What does ESG have to do with a company's relationship with its customers?
Ethical business practices are specifically mentioned.
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What else are they doing rendezvousing with French patrols back n forth back n forth. Out to the half way point. And back again. And then back again.

@carmanmemoranda - 2 year old news.
If French warships find people in distress in UK waters, I suspect they have a moral and legal duty to call for appropriate rescue services.
I wouldn't consider a warship to be equipped for regular rescue of people in distress at sea. Althought they obviously would have some capability.

In addition, the people in distress might refuse to be rescued by a French warship, but willingly accept assistance from RLNI.

Using your basis of proven guilt, police could be proven guilty of committing crimes merely by them being present at the crime scenes.
Presence is not proof of guilt. Otherwise victims would be as guilty as much as the perpetrators, merely by their presence at the scene.
Could always call the French service. Who are much closer. It’s funny how they don’t need any help until they hit U.K. waters.
How can the French resue services be closer when the boats are in UK waters.

I always undestood that the rescue services coordinate their services (internationally) for the nearest and most appropriate rescuers to attend.
Yep it’s very sad when you volunteer to save lives but instead are called out 2-3 times a day to taxi illegals. Gives the service a bad reputation. People rightly object to donations going to help illegal migrants enter the U.K. illegally.
Seeking asylum is not illegal.
Everyone has the legal right to seek asylum.
The "asylum seekers" can only be declared illegal if their claim is refused. That cannot happen until they have been assessed. There are no facilities to assess them prior to rescue. Therefore they must be rescued, then assessed.
This is a well worn route where Himmy clutters up the threads. Wasn't it about 20 pages last time about whose responsibility it was for dying halfway across the channel.
No they are called to assist people who didn’t want assistance 5 minutes ago when they were in French waters. Look at the AIS data. It’s magic like some sort of Bermuda Triangle. One minute I’m in French waters progressing at 6kts refusing help, moments later I need the RNLI to rescue me all the way from the U.K.
I'm sure the RNLI are capable of assessing whether anyone is genuinely in need of assistance.
Correction: By one ex-crew member.
Who is now a local business owner and councillor.

But Nige called it a taxi service so the lap dogs lap it up. Criticising one of the most respected emergency services tickles the taste buds of his followers.
Well you could end it quite easily by explaining what ESG has to do with account closures. But no, you won't.
ESG has nothing to do with bank account closures.
It is all about how and where people invest their money.

That's why gant can't explain what ESG has to do with closures.
ESG ? Coutts has decided to eliminate customers who are at risk to their "reputation", what do you mean by "reputation" .... well not that it's an ancient bank with long history and tradition.
Today "reputation" means ESG.
Why did the board adopt ESG ? Same reason Tony Blair this week talking about the end of national government and big corporates running countries.
Coutts are not signed up to ESG.
Only HSBC, as a UK based bank are signed up to ESG.
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