Are you claiming that I have advocated restrictions?
Well yea, you commented on forcing of plain packaging, that is a restriction, familiarise yourself with your own arguments please. And others in this thread are advocating further restrictions, not all my replies are aimed directly at you, sorry but you are not the centre of my universe.
Are you claiming that I have said tobacco sales should be illegal?
It's not really clear what it is you do want on top of existing legislation other than plain packaging, apart from a nebulous "stop them recruiting children" slogan (most of the stuff you list is already illegal). Somehow, if you were put in charge and did everything you wanted (whatever that is), are you telling me you wouldn't make it illegal if all your other steps didn't work, hmmm, I don't buy it, because like all the other anti's here, you refuse to comment on the effect banning will have on smuggling, criminal activity and poisoned narcotics.
It must be a sad life for you, feeling that you are being persecuted as a smoker
I am not a smoker, as has been said. And I moderately drink, eat healthily, and exercise. Frankly I suspect I am healthier than 99% of the people here, and will probably outlive you all.
But I can see which way the wind is blowing, this anti tobacco stuff has serious mission creep, like refusing to treat smokers for non-smoking related illness or injury, that's not about helping smokers or about them costing, that's not about helping children, it's just arsholery righteousness, the same as when people were poisoned (WHICH IS BLOODY MURDER) by the US government during prohibition, and before you say "well that was then and there", only a few years ago UK ministers proposed deliberately contaminating shipments of drugs to cause bad reactions in the hope it would stop users, EXACTLY the same mentality.
And the same tactics are starting to be used for drink and unhealthy food.
I don't want to see a 2 tier health service where people are unfairly discriminated against, because it will come to bite me on the ass too, and I don't want to see everything good taxed (by the same government that gets subsidised food and drink)
joinerjohn said:
Perhaps it might be a good idea to put the age limit up for possession of tobacco to 18.
I would agree to that but on the condition that you cannot join the army until 18, have sex, get married, live on your own.
You should either be a child by law or an adult.