Aye, have to agree with ya there Doit. Allowing yourself to get fat is probably one of the easiest things in the world to do.most of the kids in our village, especially the girls are like walking lard balls. Never seen so many fat slobs in one place.
You probably have a point in that take away the fags and what will people turn to.My future kids will be to busy taking meph, cocain, alcahol and eating fatty foods, can't afford to get them smoking as well, not enough time in the day.
Parents, peers, shop.Ask yourself where do the kids get cigarettes. maybe the odd shop, parents or nicked.
You're talking about behavour and mind altering drugs (I know of someone who killed his own 6 month old son after a bad trip).
I've yet to see a smoker do likewise. I've yet to see a smoker get roped into gangland warfare and prostitution ... they're pretty boring really by comparison. All I do is go to work and pay my taxes.
But 100,000 of them die every year. I guess they are some kind of thick underclass that is too weak to break their addiction and too dumb to care.
a thick underclass is very offensive.
Oh I'm nothing special and probably too thick to realise I am terminally thick. Come to think of it how many females join a male dominated forum Different mindset.
But as a smoker, my nephew must therefore be dumped in the thick underclass. A soldier serving in Afghanistan, after 2 stints in Iraq. Myself .. I'm intensely proud of him and I'm sure there are many other useful members of society who stick a fag in their mouths.
I'll go find another forum and chat about more girly subjects like knitting, or make-up (or men )
you are exaggerating.the health nazis
I'm not sure I'd classify smoking as free choice. Nicotine is probably the most addictive substance you can get on the high street, people are completely unable to control their habit, they have lost their ability to control that part of their life.So, looks like the health nazis will get their way, against the free choice of millions of people.