Hate Crime

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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It's a legal position

What is?

Your belief that saying "I am a woman" turns a man into a woman?

My knowledge that sex is real, is not transphobia

My knowledge that a man is not a woman, is not transphobia.
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What is?

Your belief that saying "I am a woman" turns a man into a woman?
A man that declares the desire to live as a woman is recognised as a woman in law, with a few minor exceptions.
And they are protected from discrimination, and from those who try to foment hatred towards them.
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Polls again, meaningless.
Yes, some are.
Like Mottie's poll on how long others think I'll be allowed to remain.
But that one was deleted to save him from his self-inflicted embarrasment.
A man that declares the desire to live as a woman is recognised as a woman in law,

No need for a GRC, you say?

No need to live as if he was a woman for an extended period, you say?

No need to stop being a man Monday to Friday and swap over on a Saturday night?

No need to stop raping and sexually assaulting wonen?

No need for any surgical or hormonal treatment?

Just say the magic words "I am a woman" you say.

But a man is not a woman.
No need for a GRC, you say?

No need to live as if he was a woman for an extended period, you say?
You can't just pick and choose your gender on a day-to day basis.
To obtain a GRC, a period of two years is required.
Buy I'm sure you knew that. I'v eposted it enough times.

No need to stop being a man Monday to Friday and swap over on a Saturday night?
That'll be transvestites, not transgenders. I assume you understand the difference?

No need to stop raping and sexually assaulting wonen?
Males rape and abuse women. Women rape and abuse other women. Men and women rape and abuse children.
Men and women rape and abuse men. It isn't a transgender thing.

No need for any surgical or hormonal treatment?

Just say the magic words "I am a woman" you say.
Or "I am a man".
But it's more a case of "from this day forward, I want to be seen as and treated as my preferred gender". A bit like a marriage vow, except a priest or marriage clerk is not required.
You are also expected to live in your preferred gender. To obtain a GRC, for a period of at least two years.
And the words are not 'magic', they're a statement of intent.
A trans. But not a woman.

No-one has ever denied that there a small number of criminals that are also transgender. Not all of them will be sex criminals. There might be burglars, theives etc, also, but they won't make the headlines.
To deny that there are criminals who are transgender would be very silly, it would be like trying to deny that criminals exist in society.
Criminals do exploit society to commit criminal acts. That's what they do. That's why they are punished. That is what the law is for. The same kind of law that you choose to disrespect.
Why have you started referring to a GRC?

You said earlier that the words were enough.
In order to obtain a GRC, it is necessary for the applicant to have lived in their preferred gender for at least two years.
I've never made a secret of that. I've posted it on here multiple times.
It illustrates that a transgender is legally recognised in their preferred gender without a GRC.
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