Sigh!But you say that Trans are women.
Do women have a penis? And commit rapes?
But men do.
Only transwomen are women, in this scenario. (of course all cisgender are also women, to save you picking up on that. )
Men are not women. Neither are transmen. They're also men.
Women do commit serious penetrative sexaul assault, yes. It's not neceassary to have a penis to commit serious penetrative sexual asault.
But you already knew that and you were hoping to set a silly trap for the unwary.
The legal definition of rape is when a person intentionally penetrates another's vagina, anus or mouth with a penis, without the other person's consent. Assault by penetration is when a person penetrates another person's vagina or anus with any part of the body other than a penis, or by using an object, without the person's consent.