Hate Crime

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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But you say that Trans are women.

Do women have a penis? And commit rapes?


But men do.
Only transwomen are women, in this scenario. (of course all cisgender are also women, to save you picking up on that. :rolleyes: )
Men are not women. Neither are transmen. They're also men. :rolleyes:

Women do commit serious penetrative sexaul assault, yes. It's not neceassary to have a penis to commit serious penetrative sexual asault.
But you already knew that and you were hoping to set a silly trap for the unwary.
The legal definition of rape is when a person intentionally penetrates another's vagina, anus or mouth with a penis, without the other person's consent. Assault by penetration is when a person penetrates another person's vagina or anus with any part of the body other than a penis, or by using an object, without the person's consent.
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So you say a GRC is not necessary for a man to become a woman..
The law recognises a transwoman as a woman (with very few precise exceptions).
They don't need a GRC for that legal recognition.

You are becoming tiresome with your select wording of your questions.
Please stop re-phrasing my comments with the hope that I'll agree with your definitions.
It would be a considerable improvement if you agreed with what you say yourself.

Instead of evasivly shifting.
Transwomen are legally recognised as women under the Equalities Act. They expect to be treated as women.
That means that those suffering from transphobia must not discriminate against them and should interact with them as women.
They can dislke them, refuse to accept them on an ideological belief, even avoid mixing with them, if that's what they desire.
But they cannot discriminate against them nor foment hatred towards them.
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That means that those suffering from transphobia must not discriminate against them and should interact with them as women.

You mean that people like myself, who do not suffer from transphobia, are under no obligation to interact with them as women.

Which seems only fair.

Because they're men.
You are becoming tiresome with your select wording of your questions.
Please stop re-phrasing my comments with the hope that I'll agree with your definitions.
You're also becoming tiresome with your persistent selective cropping of my comments to distort the context.
To put it in context, I said:
Only transwomen are women, in this scenario. (of course all cisgender are also women, to save you picking up on that. :rolleyes: )
Men are not women. Neither are transmen. They're also men. :rolleyes:
We all know and understand the difference between men and women.
You persitent pointless slogans was designed to deny the existence and legal recognition of transwomen as women.
It's not neceassary to have a penis to commit serious penetrative sexual asault.

As you know, I specifically said "Rape". And "have a penis"

Your attempts at evasion are woefully inadequate.
You mean that people like myself, who do not suffer from transphobia, are under no obligation to interact with them as women.

Which seems only fair.

Because they're men.
In your eyes only. That'll be because you hve an idealogical belief that sex is immutable. It's the basis for the Gender Essentialism belief.
You are enitiled to that belief, but you are not allowed to discriminate transgenders based on that belief, nor are you allowed to foment hatred on that belief.

Gender essentialism, which has long been discredited by psychologists, is a lay theory that posits that men and women are fundamentally different due to their biology. This theory suggests that there are essential, unchangeable qualities that make males and females who they are.
Your extremism denies you to see the picture in the round Himmy.
Transgender can be tolerated in a liberal society, that they need laws to prevent any dissenting voices speaks volumes of those making the law. When women in what they once considered a safe space have that space invaded by men who consider themselves as women and sexual deviant men who dress as women with a camera phone then women are having their rights denied them on the illusion of 'equality'
I certainly do.

You? I think not.

And a man who becomes trans, does not become a woman.
THey are legally recognised as a woman, and if you want to obey the law, you are required to treat them as a woman.
What you believe privately is up to you.
Simialrly, a racist must not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity. What they think or believe privately is up to them.
That'll be because you hve an idealogical belief that sex is immutable. It's the basis for the Gender Essentialism belief.

No. It's because I know what sex is. It is a biological fact.

You deceitfully pretend to think it means gender, which is just a whimsical fancy.
Your extremism denies you to see the picture in the round Himmy.
Your prejudice denies you the opportunity to se the real world.

Transgender can be tolerated in a liberal society, that they need laws to prevent any dissenting voices speaks volumes of those making the law.
Those laws protect people from hatred, violence and discrimination.

When women in what they once considered a safe space have that space invaded by men who consider themselves as women and sexual deviant men who dress as women with a camera phone then women are having their rights denied them on the illusion of 'equality'
Men do not to dress up in order to commit crimes.
Just as women do need to dress up to commit crimes.
No. It's because I know what sex is. It is a biological fact.

You deceitfully pretend to think it means gender, which is just a whimsical fancy.
Your belief is Gender Essentialism.
Yet you deny it, that's deceit.
You claim not to be transphobic, but you try to stir up hatred towards transgenders, that's transphobia. That's deceit.
THey are legally recognised as a woman, and if you want to obey the law, you are required to treat them as a woman.
What you believe privately is up to you.
Simialrly, a racist must not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity. What they think or believe privately is up to them.
But you deny them that right with your extremist point of view as you've explained yourself your on a mission tochange their point of view.
Diynot general discussion is not really a place for such extremism.
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