Hate Crime

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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Taking a common sense approach

They’re all a bunch of fruit cakes :ROFLMAO:

And so is Roy / dazzler
Says the poster who wants gratuitous violence against criminals :rolleyes:
You should go and live in dire i stan. You'd settle in well there.
Don't be silly.
Being gender fluid, and lying about your vaccinations are not mutually exlcusive
nwgs, stop pedalling this rubbish.
Yeah saying I’m vaccinated is a white lie, gender fluid is outrageous.

What do you identify as Roy
Roy read this.

It will help you understand it better.

Taylor was gender fluid. That is a type of trans by definition. A trans person is someone who want to change from one to the other. They do not change their sex just their gender identity. There is no requirement for it to be permanent or surgical.

That is what sec 7 is all about.

It doesn’t however allow a male to become female and assume everything that those people are.
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Roy read this.

It will help you understand it better.

Taylor was gender fluid. That is a type of trans by definition. A trans person is someone who want to change from one to the other. They do not change their sex just their gender identity. There is no requirement for it to be permanent or surgical.

That is what sec 7 is all about.

It doesn’t however allow a male to become female and assume everything that those people are.
You presented you argument against transgender being protected only if they were undergoing gender reassignment treatment.
Gender reassignment. That is sec 7 protection
That is clearly not the case.

Jaguar Land Rover lost on that very same argument.
the Respondent sought to argue that as a non-binary or gender fluid person, the Claimant was not entitled to the protection of the gender reassignment provisions of the Equality Act 2010.

Now you've hopped and skipped about trying to delude others into thinking that was your argument.

For someone who claims to have had some legal training. you're very dishonest.
@Himmy Give it up, no one is being fooled by your google skills. It’s sad and boring now.
Taylor was gender fluid. That is a type of trans by definition. A trans person is someone who want to change from one to the other.

That is what sec 7 is all about.
But you claimed that only those undergoing gender reassignment procedures were protected by the 2010 Act:
explain what sec 7 of the equalities act is all about?

Gender reassignment. That is sec 7 protection
Just like your ridiculous claim that transgender treatment casues cancer.
And that mental illness causes dysphoria.
So they just change their title “gender” and not their sex.
Don't confuse motorbiking, he doesn't know whether he's coming or going.
He's going round in circles at the moment.
Don't confuse motorbiking, he doesn't know whether he's coming or going.
He's going round in circles at the moment.
A man is still not a women though! A title change means little at best.
JohnDinosaur reincanated. :ROFLMAO:
I bet he's feeling immensely proud to be mimicked by you.
How many times do you need it explaining? If I say I’m a women I’m not, it’s not a title.

Ezra Miller as an example identifies as they/them. Is that ok ? He’s one person, but claims to be more than one.
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