Hate Crime

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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Ezra Miller as an example identifies as they/them. Is that ok ? He’s one person, but claims to be more than one.
I find Rory Bremner more entertaining. He is more than one person.
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I find Rory Bremner more entertaining. He is more than one person.
Not going to comment on they/them? You do have a history for only talking and not taking information onboard.

Still 52 likes Roy. No one cares……
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I speak the truth, people “like” it
I can believe that you say what you think people want to hear in order to raise your score. That's the gist of populism.
It doesen't endow honesty and integrity on the populist. Quite the opposite.
I can believe that you say what you think people want to hear in order to raise your score. That's the gist of populism.
It doesen't endow honesty and integrity on the populist. Quite the opposite.
I’ve been warned and locked out of so many threads. I’m not playing to the masses, I just fire from the hip.

If I got banned tomorrow that would be it
I bet Transactivists like to hear Roy saying that a man is a woman.

Telling them what they want to hear.
I don't make it a habit of persistent use of pointless slogans, strawman arguments and ad hominem attacks in an effort to persuade others to my way of thinking.
I don't post pictures of criminals to foment hatred towards a minority group.
If that doesn't earn me any thanks or likes I'm more than content with that.
52 'likes' though Roy. It's almost as though everybody hates you.
I can understand people's hatred when I expose their prejudcie, their dishonesty, their deceit.
They may be all of those things, but they're also human.
44 pages and yet page one asks is the law an ass in letting transgender women invade 'real' womens spaces.
All I've learnt apart from the obvious about crossing the ts and dotting the Is re himmy is this certificate you get after two years of transition. Should that at least be compulsory to produce if a trans wishes to invade women's space by entering the ladies.
As for ruining women's sport that is self evident.
I can understand people's hatred when I expose their prejudcie, their dishonesty, their deceit.
They may be all of those things, but they're also human.
You go on about wanting to have an 'intelligent' discussion and then produce hyperbole like this which reduces you to no more than a clown. Think you need to take stock cock.
But you claimed that only those undergoing gender reassignment procedures were protected by the 2010 Act:

Just like your ridiculous claim that transgender treatment casues cancer.
And that mental illness causes dysphoria.
Not at all. Trans people are protected from discrimination against trans people. That is what the equalities act provides. It does not allow a person to change sex and assume the protected characteristics of that sex.

If you read sec 7 and understand it. You will see that it’s quite broad.
I don't make it a habit of persistent use of pointless slogans, strawman arguments and ad hominem attacks in an effort to persuade others to my way of thinking.
I don't post pictures of criminals to foment hatred towards a minority group.
If that doesn't earn me any thanks or likes I'm more than content with that.

And yet you are happy to repeatedly post things that are not true, to insult people, and post deliberate lies

Just because you want to believe a false narrative.
And yet you are happy to repeatedly post things that are not true, to insult people, and post deliberate lies

Just because you want to believe a false narrative.
Here we go, yet more of the same old lies and deceit.
Everything that I have said has been backed up with legal, scientific and medical evidence and eminent opinion, with the links posted for others to verify their veracity.
What have you posted other than slurs, allegations, slogans, strawman arguments, ad hominem attacks and pictures of criminals.
Nada, nowt, zilch, zero, niets, nic, rien.
Whose narrative is false?

The only exception to my proven and supported arguments has been the close matching of your ideological belief to Gender Essentialism and TERF behaviour.
IMO, both of my judgements of your belief and your behaviour closely matches that of Gender Essentialism and TERFs.

In several countries, the gender-critical movement has been linked to the promotion of conspiracy theories and to the anti-gender movement and in some countries, gender-critical groups have formed alliances with right-wing, far-right, and anti-feminist organisations.

How do you feel (and keep a straight face) being linked to Trumpian politics and conspiracy theories?
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