Hate Crime

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I say that a man is not a woman

Roy calls me a TERF.

I say that a man does not become a woman when he says "I am a woman"

Roy calls me a TERF.

I say that sex is real, not a whim.

Roy calls me a TERF.

Roy says I deny the existence of Trans People.

Roy is a liar.
I've explained precisely why I call you a TERF, and for your amusement I'll explain yet again:
Because you post pictures of criminals intentionally implying that all transwomen are criminals, because you wish to deny the existence of transgender people, because you believe that sex is immutable, and binary, because you believe that the words 'woman' and 'man' are biological sexes, because you preach the Gender Essentialist belief, these are all the behaviour of a TERF.
As you are behaving within the definition of a TERF, I'll call you a TERF.
If you don't want to be called a TERF, don't act like one.
I've explained precisely why I call you a TERF, and for your amusement I'll explain yet again:
Because you post pictures of criminals intentionally implying that all transwomen are criminals, because you wish to deny the existence of transgender people, because you believe that sex is immutable, and binary, because you believe that the words 'woman' and 'man' are biological sexes, because you preach the Gender Essentialist belief, these are all the behaviour of a TERF.
As you are behaving within the definition of a TERF, I'll call you a TERF.
If you don't want to be called a TERF, don't act like one.
That’s just your opinion Roy. No one else thinks that.

You’ve done nothing but twist what John says “I’m not a fan of John. He’s rude and loves the sound of his own posts”

But he’s had you at every point and comment. You reminf me of Antifa- jumping up and down but you don’t know why, but can’t stop it either.
I've explained precisely why I call you a TERF, and for your amusement I'll explain yet again:
Because you post pictures of criminals intentionally implying that all transwomen are criminals, because you wish to deny the existence of transgender people, because you believe that sex is immutable, and binary, because you believe that the words 'woman' and 'man' are biological sexes, because you preach the Gender Essentialist belief, these are all the behaviour of a TERF.
As you are behaving within the definition of a TERF, I'll call you a TERF.
If you don't want to be called a TERF, don't act like one.
Are you aware of the term "demographic" Roy?

You are the stereotype that you so abhor.
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Perhaps Roy is a transexual ????

My mate has a rental and one of the lodgers has actually gone full out trans

Living as a woman

He was a building inspector for a large retirement home / complex development company

Trans bloke turning up on building / construction sites did not really work ???

They could not sack him but they sort of bought him off

Finacial incentive for him / she to leave

Used to run into him on a reg basis years ago as we had an office next door

Never liked him tbh he was unkind to our office cat imo

Fruit cake
I would suggest you are a TERF because of your persistent use of slogans and pictures intended to imply that transgenders cannot exist, and they are all rapists and sex abusers.
Utter nonsense.
My mate used to rent part of a half-disused factory to do bodywork/spraying. The owner, a loner, lived on-site in a converted office. During the day he was just like a normal geezer but come evenings and weekends, he would dress up in a frock and wear lipstick and eye shadow and walk around the factory in high heels, none of which suited him. We found it both funny and sad.
Nobody is being transphobic anti trans etc etc.. People are simply expressing that it is wrong for a man to call himself a women and expect all women to accept it and society to treat him exactly the same as they would a so called cis-woman.
If you fail to understand it, and have to ask me to explain it, you're in no position to tell me I'm wrong. :rolleyes:
If you can interpret me asking you to explain your understanding as me asking for you to explain it to me then you are lost.

what do you think it says?
Does it require a trans women to be treated as as a women?
Does it make it unlawful to refuse to allow trans women access to female only services?
Does it require employers to categorise a trans woman as woman in company statistics on gender pay, employment diversity?
Does it require a gynaecologist to treat a trans woman or allow them on to a female only ward?
Does It make it unlawful to exclude trans women from female only sport?
Nobody is being transphobic anti trans etc etc..
I keep proving your statements are wrong, untrue, etc.
And you either go round the houses to change your position, or you persistently repeat the same old wrong and untrue statemts.
For instance, you said that mental health is asscoiated with dysphoria. I proved that to be wrong and untrue. It is fair to say that dysphoria is associated with transgender, but dysphoria is not a mental illness. You have previously claimed that dysphoria itself is a mental illness. I belielve it was Denso who corrected you the first time.
Another example, you claimed that trans gender drugs causes cancer. Some of the drugs inceases the risk of breast cancer for transwomen. It is what you should expect if you had some male characteristics, and lost those male characteristics. But a) the risk is still lower than cisgender women. And b) some drugs also reduce the risk of cancer fo transmen, which is what you might expect.
If transgender people increase their characterisitcs of their preferred gender, they can expect to raise or reduce the risks of conditions associated with that gender.
You also claimed that transgender are only protected under the Equalities Act if they have had or are having gender reassignment treatment. I proved that your claim was factually wrong. You have since been adjusting your opinion on that, and claiming that was not what you said.

So I'm finished educating you now on the finer points of the law for free. If you wish I'm happy to continue with your education, but you'll have to pay for it.

You have demonstrated on several occasions your willingness to apply the laws as you think is suitable, e.g criminal damage is to be congratulated if you disagree with a policy. But other times you denounce criminal damage.
You can't pick and chose which laws to support and which to disregard.
On the subject of transphobia, if you persistently misrepresent the law, it's either ignorance or it is transphobia.
You claim to be well versed in legal matters. If that is true, your misrepresentation must be transphobia.
Utter nonsense.
TERFs try to foment hatred towards transgenders. It is that behaviour that you display when you post pictures of criminals, trying to imply that all transwomen are criminals. And their only motivation for being transwomen is to commit sex crimes.
That is typical behaviour of TERFs.
If you don't want to be described as a TERF, stop acting like one.

By the way 'man' and 'woman' are genders.
So I'm finished educating you now on the finer points of the law for free. If you wish I'm happy to continue with your education, but you'll have to pay for it.
Roy old chum you’ve nothing to teach, no one cares about your nonsense.

Everyone is trying to be the first to trigger you. Which will happen soon enough.

But if you are to continue down this road, please get some new material please. No one is against trans of any type. But you’re a proven misogynist.

Who’s the real Villain in this sad story.
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