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You didn't exactly did you. Are saying that you weren't implying we've all had a go or at least thought of having a go
It may not have been your intention securespark, but your comments quoted at the top of this page does seem to suggest that it was a widespread (no pun intended) phenomenon which may well be the case, and aj was only suggesting that not everyone went through this.

With respect gentleman, this looks like a bit of a non-argument really :confused:
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All I was doing was to counter the view that sexuality is fixed at birth: I believe it is not.

I did not imply "we've all had a go"...just that sexuality is not always as clearcut or black and white as knowing who you fancy.

Often there may be experimentation before the person realises.
All I was doing was to counter the view that sexuality is fixed at birth: I believe it is not.
Not sure I agree with that - one may well go on to experiment during one's formative years but ultimately fate (with regard to sexuality) will be borne out

I did not imply "we've all had a go".
don't think anyone (aj in particular) suggested that you did say "everyone"

Often there may be experimentation before the person realises.
...realises that he or she was destined to be hetero or homo sexual all along
This is a 'good' and serious thread which has raised a number of varying opinions and, thankfully so far, none of the slanging/personal insults that often accompany something like this.

To this end it has occurred to me that what would validate it even more would be to add a poll. Can a poll be added to this thread so that people may indicate, anonymously, what their experiences have been. Questions could be something like the following;

1/ Are you homosexual? Yes/No
2/ Have you ever experienced a homosexual act? Yes/No
3/ Have you 'had a crush' on a same sex person as a teenager? (Or indeed at any age). Y/N
4/ Should homosexuals be teated with the same respect/deference as heterosexuals? Y/N

Obviously these are just some suggestions and the O/P may think of others or different ones.

The important thing is that this MUST BE ANONYMOUS and the way to achieve this would be to 'vote' but not post immediately afterwards. Let some time pass before posting a comment. Unless of course yuo don't mind being identified like Garyslater did.

(BTW, thinking up this response in no way indicates my intention to divulge anything about myself, ;) :LOL: )
Mod 11, thank you for that post.
This is what I was suggesting by the following line but thank you for that pointer.

Obviously these are just some suggestions and the O/P may think of others or different ones.

Ooh, you and your pole extentions, ducky xxx

Jealous? ;) :LOL: :LOL:
Tell us how you used to write to the papers complaining that homophobes had appropriated other words that you cannot use any more. Like "bent"; "Pansy"; "Iron Hoof"; "padded footstool"; "queeer"; "Nancy" and hundreds of others.

Or do you only complain when the homosexuals find a word they like?

I have never written to a paper about anything.

The names you have used do contain those that were for people but will fall out of use because of them being adopted by proxy which is a shame.

Don't you agree?
1.That we need to pigeonhole people according to their sexual proclivities is a sad indictment of us as a whole.

I do however understand why minorities feel it necessary to "stick together".

3. I'd imagine that the cavemen were happy to stick "it" where ever they received gratification. They wouldn't have understood how procreation worked.

4. Homosexuality has existed in literature for thousands of years- read Plato's Symposium- affluent Greeks considered it far more virtuous to have sex with males than females. Jump forward to the 50's and you have Sandy and Jules with their polari backslang in Round The Horne.

5. The camp gay is lazy media shorthand. You want to portray a character as gay you make him limp wristed.

6. As I hurtle towards my dotage I am flattered if anyone fancies me. If I pop into a gay pub and the barman under charges me then I am a happy bunny.

7. On a wider note- I have never understood the politics of hate and cannot fathom why certain people feed the need to slag off minority groups for being intollerant one minute and the next they then go on to slag off other groups for being too liberal. What happens when you have no minorities to scapegoat- do you have to start with eye colour, size of feet, etc????
7. On a wider note- I have never understood the politics of hate and cannot fathom why certain people feed the need to slag off minority groups for being intollerant one minute and the next they then go on to slag off other groups for being to liberal. What happens when you have no minorities to scapegoat- do you have to start with eye colour, size of feet, etc????

Certain people? a minority group perhaps. A group that shouldn't be able to express their views?
If there weren't so many people being outraged on behalf of a minority group somewhere there might actually be more tolerance.
Daily Mail readers might qualify as a minority group but white anglo-saxons do not.

If level minded people people had spoken up for people 60+ years ago many of our relatives would have died natural deaths..

I am not outaged that some people are narrow minded 6 fingered banjo playing Fwitts but I will question their opinions.

I am a proud Londoner. I will defend that which makes me proud to be a londoner. quinisentially "English" things like: a sense of fair play- defending the under dog and so on.
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