I am so glad that Mrs Thatcher..............................

Did someone say she didn't have to do what most women have to, to get into mens domain!

yup she had real balls! :LOL:
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Anyone that promises the electorate a party gets the vote.

Thatcher did it with council houses and North sea oil and New Lab did it by running up a massive debt.

Then they get voted out but so what? They've had their salad days and don't give a toss about the mess they leave behind.

The general election is a popularity contest - and nothing else. Short term plonkers.

Good post.
General Election is- you cast your vote- and you live with the consequences.
Maggie did a great job--she cut out the 'dead wood' from our system.
her successors in the driving seat failed to follow her example--hence where we are today.
Immigration has doomed this country to gutter level right now and it wont get any better until we stop the parasites from obliterating our standards of living.
UKIP is the only way to go to stop the rot from getting any worse.

As has been said a few times on this thread WE will only have 'one' shot at it --if we dont take this on-board-- next voting time- we really are in the dog house and will be no way back.
It's your choice .
General Election is- you cast your vote- and you live with the consequences.

Quite correct. We get what we deserve! The problem is, as I see it, that so many people continue to vote Con/Lab/Lib 'because their father voted for them'. They won't/can't see what any given party has done and learn from their mistakes.

Maggie did a great job--she cut out the 'dead wood' from our system.
her successors in the driving seat failed to follow her example--hence where we are today.

I agree. Worse still, her 'colleagues' then stabbed her in the back, probably because she was 'only' a woman and was more effective than them.

Immigration has doomed this country to gutter level right now and it wont get any better until we stop the parasites from obliterating our standards of living.

True, but I have a bad feeling that it is already too late. Unfortunately, we also have indigenous 'parasites'. Such is human nature. I believe the answer is to make our benefits system less generous than the French. Then we can sit back whilst the Frogs take care of the problem!

UKIP is the only way to go to stop the rot from getting any worse.

I have always voted Conservative. I shall be voting for UKIP this time (see my first point).

As has been said a few times on this thread WE will only have 'one' shot at it --if we dont take this on-board-- next voting time- we really are in the dog house and will be no way back.
It's your choice .

It is indeed our own choice. I have a horrible feeling, though, that we'll make the wrong choice. I believe New Improved Labour will get in next time; their answer to our problems, of course, will be to spend, spend, spend; we'll remain under the heel of the EU; thanks to Labour's 'open door policy', foreigners will come from far and wide to take advantage of our generosity and we'll find ourselves not only down the toilet but right round the U-bend.

You heard it here first!
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If thatchers so called anti TU policies and laws that where passed are so bad how many did the Labour government repeal and if its none WHY not as surely they are the party of the working man
I didnt realise this country had so many ultra rich people in it to vote Thatcher in 3 times .OH it doesnt it was the common working person that voted her in .
WHY because they where sick to the back teeth of strikes and a useless labour government which then allowed the tories to have a record breaking period in office

Yeh I remember that, poor people voting for Thatcher who had nawt to gain from her at all ,but family history made it the thing to do ,people said things like my dad voted tory and his dad before him,plus cold war fuelled myth's" after all they are all communists and trots in the labour party" backed up with some great myths about trades unions like containerisation ,the chalk line and string and council eastates in the midlands lined up with Jaguars, only people in the heavy industries voted labour because they had the history of struggle
A lot of cultural changes have come,Traditional industries have gone and the ww2 generation are thin on the ground,
You can't help wondering what motivates the voting paterns now?
How did poor people have nawt to gain from her perhaps they just wanted a chance to do 5 days a week every week without some union leader on 10 times there salary calling them out on strike every couple of weeks and never forfeiting any of there wages and benefits while the poor membership struggled to make ends meet.
How did poor people have nawt to gain from her perhaps they just wanted a chance to do 5 days a week every week without some union leader on 10 times there salary calling them out on strike every couple of weeks and never forfeiting any of there wages and benefits while the poor membership struggled to make ends meet.

Most folk's out of the industrial heartland's work in none unionised job's,when have tory's ever been interested in poor people?
Harbourwoodwork";p="2618824 said:
How did poor people have nawt to gain from her perhaps they just wanted a chance to do 5 days a week every week without some union leader on 10 times there salary calling them out on strike every couple of weeks and never forfeiting any of there wages and benefits while the poor membership struggled to make ends meet.

Most folk's out of the industrial heartland's work in none unionised job's,

yeh- and most of then cant speak English these days. :evil:
Once upon a time , many years ago when I was young and impressionable and working in industry-there was a discussion going on with fellow workers during the night shift. Not all the workers were there- because half of them were sleeping- wrapped up all nice and cozy in their sleeping bags and tucked away inta 'secret' corners of the chemical plant we '''worked'' in.
All of a sudden- the BIG BAD wolf' appeared on the news and talk was of a 3 day week.
Anyway- I digress.
However one particular non-sleeper that night was saying to me (regarding which party to vote for)--that it really did not matter which party we voted for--but what mattered most was 'if we were comfortable and content with our current position in life and our rewards (wages) 'Why change things' ??--lets just keep the current party in .

As I grew older and less selfish I took the time to look at the bigger picture and by doing so- I could see just what direction this country was taking and I wondered how long it would take for the UK economy to be decimated because of the ingress of immigrants.
All the older parties promised and promised to do something about it- but as we all know- bugger all has happened --except to increase the numbers.
It is time for change --unless of course- you are very happy with your current position (be it comfortable lifestyle/ easy benefits/cant be ar$ed etc) what is going on around you.

Of course- many voters dont like change --but- take a step back and look at the bigger picture --time is running out.
Labour will rush up bearing gifts - and gullible will vote them in. The UK is fooked.
Harbour first thing the tories done when they came to power in 79 was to give some of the poorest non unionised people a massive wage rise namely the armed forces who where on the breadline under labour
Labour will rush up bearing gifts - and gullible will vote them in. The UK is fooked.

Yes, as I said - spend, spend, spend = everybody happy = vote them in again.

I don't mind so much - I don't have any children!

Labour will get in next time because people (or at least the majority) are stupid.
Stupid people will always vote for a sweetener - like raising benefits and removing the benefit cap. Pretending to limit immigration etc.

We borrowed 17.5 BILLION last MONTH. How much longer can that go on before our triple A rating goes west.

Then borrowing costs rise - and so it goes. We are heading where Greece and Spain are heading.
The general election is a popularity contest - and nothing else. Short term plonkers.

That's always been the weakness of democracy. When Abe said "You can't fool all of the people all of the time" he should have added "but you don't have to, just fool enough of them to win the vote whenever it comes around".
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