I was in a Hezbollah tunnel

It's a lovely story of course, but only serves to enforce the need for a jewish homeland. Look, you can hate jews as m8uch as you like, I don't care, you can deny their right to a homeland as much as you want, I don't care.

But make no mistake, you have a hatred for Jews and you are conflating more and more to disguise that.

Be honest, you don't like jews, and you support terrorism.

If I felt the same way, I'd have the honesty to admit it.

You hate Palestinians and deny their right to their homeland

Because you are a racist and support genocide.
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They have no right to exist. They are thieves of Palestine, Syria and other countries. So no - they don't have a right to "fight back". The Zionist entity is the terrorist state.
so what would you do with the Israelies ?

or do you like to dehumanise them and think of them as sausages?
You hate Palestinians and deny their right to their homeland

Because you are a racist and support genocide.
I wish we could do a big swap - all the Israelies could come and live in the UK (that would get our economy going) and all the UK hamas/palastine flag wavers could all go there and live happily ever after - and please take all your diversity inclusivity and brexit with you, and do remember to take along starmer and lineiker.

then we would all be happy.
You hate Palestinians and deny their right to their homeland

Because you are a racist and support genocide.

The Palestinians have rejected their own rights to a homeland, they were offered it in UN resolution 181. Grow up John, your childish accusations are becoming boring.
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so what would you do with the Israelies ?

or do you like to dehumanise them and think of them as sausages?
No such thing. There are some Jewish Palestinians (though certainly not all Jews are Palestinian). Palestinian Jews obviously have a home in Palestine.

Zionism is anti-Jewish and is a cancer.

Palestine is Palestine, from the river to the sea.

England had no right to give it to foreign Zionists.

I recognise only Palestine.
No such thing. There are some Jewish Palestinians (though certainly not all Jews are Palestinian). Palestinian Jews obviously have a home in Palestine.

Zionism is anti-Jewish and is a cancer.

Palestine is Palestine, from the river to the sea.

England had no right to give it to foreign Zionists.

I recognise only Palestine.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, a complete and utter ****ing nutter. Enjoy.