I was in a Hezbollah tunnel

UN Resolution 181, also known as the **United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine**, was adopted by the UN General Assembly on **November 29, 1947**. It called for the partition of the British Mandate of Palestine into two separate states, one Jewish and one Arab, with Jerusalem placed under international administration due to its religious significance.
It was a debatable point. It never gained the two thirds majority required, and it was not enforceable.
The Arab League declared a strong objection and stated that they would resist the resolution by force.
Palestine was not able to voter, and it was their land.
The right of self-determination, a major principle of the UN, was violated.
The Jews stated that they would deal with any 'resistance' in their own way.
A civil war erupted as foresaw by many member states.

Key points offered in UN Resolution 181 include:

1. **Partition of Palestine**: The plan divided Palestine into two states:
- **Jewish State**: Approximately 55% of the land, though the Jewish population made up about one-third of the total population at the time.
- **Arab State**: Around 45% of the land, designated for the Arab population, who were the majority in Palestine.
Despite the population being 650,000 Jews and 120,000 Palestinians. :rolleyes:
Israel went on to seize more territory, despite it being directly against any conditions contained in the Resolution 181. So Israel violated the UN Resolution.

2. **Jerusalem as an International City**: Jerusalem and its surrounding areas, including Bethlehem, were to be placed under a special international regime, administered by the UN, to protect the religious interests of Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
Israel seized the city, against the conditions contained in the Resolution 181. So Israel violated the UN Resolution.

3. **Economic Union**: Despite the political partition, the two states were to maintain an economic union, sharing currency, customs, transportation, and other key infrastructure.
Note the 'sharing'. Israel has denied Palestinians much of their economic freedom, against the conditions contained in the Resolution 181. So Israel violated the UN Resolution.

4. **Timetable for Implementation**: The plan called for a staged withdrawal of British forces and the establishment of the two independent states, which were to come into existence no later than October 1, 1948.
The British evacuated in May 1948, and Israel declared an independent Israel on May 15, 1948, on the evening before the final evacuation, several months too early.

The **Jewish leadership** accepted the plan, though reluctantly due to compromises on territory and the international status of Jerusalem. The **Arab leaders** and neighboring Arab states rejected it, arguing that it unfairly favored the Jewish minority and violated the rights of the Arab majority.
It violated the fundamental right of self-determination. the Palestinians never accepted the control of their homeland by the UN, who did not own, nor control that territory.

The rejection of the plan by the Arab side led to the **1948 Arab-Israeli War** following Israel's declaration of independence in May 1948.
Because the UN Resolution violated the fundamental principle of self-determination.
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No it isn't. Arabs are Semites.
Anti-Semitism has colloquially come to be considered as prejudice against Jews.

Most organisations, such as the EU, USA, etc accept the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism:
“Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.”

The definition continues by explaining that criticism of Israel is not per se anti-Semitic:
criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic.
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The Palestinians have rejected their own rights to a homeland, they were offered it in UN resolution 181. Grow up John, your childish accusations are becoming boring.
They already had one. It was violently taken from them by the Israelis, who were relying on the unenforceable UN Resolution 181.
But the Israelis went on to violate most of the conditions contained in that Resolution, and have been doing so ever since.
Anti-Semitism has colloquially come to be considered as prejudice against Jews.

They already had one. It was violently taken from them by the Israelis, who were relying on the unenforceable UN Resolution 181.
But the Israelis went on to violate most of the conditions contained in that Resolution, and have been doing so ever since.

If anyone else asks I’ll try and put them up.
It's a matter of academic etiquette to always include them.
In their absence we can only assume that you either invented them, or you are ashamed of their source, and any information contained in them can be ignored as being of no value.
It's a matter of academic etiquette to always include them.
In their absence we can only assume that you either invented them, or you are ashamed of their source, and any information contained in them can be ignored as being of no value.
No problem.

We and all the forum thank you for your tireless hard work. The forum wouldn’t be the same without your efforts.
No problem.

We and all the forum thank you for your tireless hard work. The forum wouldn’t be the same without your efforts.
Perhaps you could return the academic etiquette with due respect to that etiquette. :rolleyes:
And provide the links to your sources.
Perhaps you could return the academic etiquette with due respect to that etiquette. :rolleyes:
And provide the links to your sources.
I’ve cleared all my cookies etc now, so I won’t be able to supply the link/sources unfortunately.

Please accept my sincere apologies
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