I was in a Hezbollah tunnel

If only you could have said this to the zionist terrorists in 1948 :rolleyes:
Well you’re just being silly now, I wasn’t around in 1948 but the person I quoted WAS around on October 6th last year so my post makes sense, yours, as per, doesn’t.
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Well you’re just being silly now, I wasn’t around in 1948 but the person I quoted WAS around on October 6th last year so my post makes sense, yours, as per, doesn’t.
It makes sense if you only look at a snapshot.

But that means not learning from history, and we all know what that means
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They should have cosied up to USA. :rolleyes:

Nail on head.

Why not?, they still can of course just as Saudi will. Got to be better than cosying up to Iran. Aligning themselves with Israel, Saudi and the US will very likely bring them peace, stability and prosperity. Aligning with Iran?, another 75 years of death and destruction.
Nail on head.

Why not?, they still can of course just as Saudi will. Got to be better than cosying up to Iran. Aligning themselves with Israel, Saudi and the US will very likely bring them peace, stability and prosperity. Aligning with Iran?, another 75 years of death and destruction.
1 way of looking at it.

If you think that the west is right, and other views, ways of life, are wrong of course.

A lot of the world doesn't view usa and the west as right.

Depends on your upbringing largely
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