Iceland is

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Iceland's government said that whaling could resume Friday with stricter conditions and monitoring, after it decided not to extend a temporary two-month ban imposed amid animal welfare concerns.

Recent monitoring by Iceland's Food and Veterinary Authority on the fin whale hunt, in which explosive harpoons are used, found that the killing of the animals took too long based on the main objectives of the Animal Welfare Act.

Annual quotas authorize the killing of 209 fin whales—the second-longest marine mammal after the blue whale—and 217 minke whales, one of the smallest species.

A survey published in early June indicated that 51 percent of Icelanders were opposed to the hunt and 29 percent in favor, with over-60s those most in favor.

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I suspect those who make a living from tourism will also be against it when nobody comes to visit any more.
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I suspect those who make a living from tourism will also be against it when nobody comes to visit any more.
I'd like to visit someday, in the summer. They filmed many scenes in the 'Vikings' series there and it looked beautiful in summer but godawful in winter. No way would i ever eat whale and as for rotting shark, you must be joking! :sick:
Iceland yes exactly

The country were every one is probably related to
One another the gene pool ran out years ago.

A nation of in ***d fruit cakes
I recall that cod war spat years ago with the fruit cakes

We’re they started cutting the nets Of british trawlers ??

The Royal Navy should have blown them
Icelandic gun boats out of the water

Same should happen to there whaling fleet give em an ultimatum to abandon ship there after blow em out the water ??
Before Standard Oil started drilling at the turn of the last century, whale oil was used for most of the world's domestic lighting in lamps.
Nowadays they're pretty much redundant.

Badgers, foxes and whales, no use to anyone.
A lot of people are no use to anyone.
pigs are farmed, stunned and humanely killed.
But they are intelligent, and if you had ever spent time in an abattoir you'd realise that isn't the case...

Google 'pigs' and the actual process of the CO2 process used!

Do you consider the gas chamber approach of killing intensively bred intelligent animals is any better than the killing of whales?
No way would i ever eat whale and as for rotting shark, you must be joking! :sick:
Whale if grilled/barbecued properly is great...

Rotten shark is an acquired taste, but bearable with an appropriate dose of brennivin :)
I wonder how hard it is to permanently move to Iceland if you are not an Icelander but are married to an Icelander? I suppose you'd still need some sort of necessary skill or trade otherwise they’d turn your application for emigration down.
Do you consider the gas chamber approach of killing intensively bred intelligent animals is any better than the killing of whales?
They are still rendered unconscious before killing though so you can’t get much more humane than that unless you perhaps just cuddle it to death!
I wonder how hard it is to permanently move to Iceland if you are not an Icelander but are married to an Icelander? I suppose you'd still need some sort of necessary skill or trade otherwise they’d turn your application for emigration down.

Nah you just need to be non related to any Icelander

Way I see it they could ship them migrants to Iceland instead of Rwanda ???that should freshen up the gene pool ?
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