Iceland is

But they are intelligent, and if you had ever spent time in an abattoir you'd realise that isn't the case...

Google 'pigs' and the actual process of the CO2 process used!

Do you consider the gas chamber approach of killing intensively bred intelligent animals is any better than the killing of whales?

Whales are wild animals not domesticated afaik

Plus they are endangered world wide

You spent time in an abattoir ??

Did you go there for entertainment ?

Family day out ?
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Whale if grilled/barbecued properly is great...

Rotten shark is an acquired taste, but bearable with an appropriate dose of brennivin :)
Not for all the brennivin in the world; nor even a gun to my head, would i let that anywhere near me.
I'd like to visit someday, in the summer. They filmed many scenes in the 'Vikings' series there and it looked beautiful in summer but godawful in winter. No way would i ever eat whale and as for rotting shark, you must be joking! :sick:
Been in both summer and winter. There are a couple of nice places like the frozen waterfalls and the geezers. But it’s a massive tourist trap and very expensive. They also like to fib on the guaranteed northern lights experiences. Found the coach driver with a green torch on the clouds.
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I wonder how hard it is to permanently move to Iceland if you are not an Icelander but are married to an Icelander?
Wouldn't know, and irrelevant :rolleyes:

I suppose you'd still need some sort of necessary skill or trade otherwise they’d turn your application for emigration down.
I once thought about moving to Essex...

But not being a brainless thug made me ineligible...

What a lucky escape! (y)
Wouldn't know, and irrelevant
Irrelevant? In an Iceland thread? Don’t see how. I thought you married an Icelandic person and you were moving there so if anyone should know, it would be you. Are you saying you don’t know how someone could permanently move from the UK to Iceland?
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They are still rendered unconscious before killing though so you can’t get much more humane than that unless you perhaps just cuddle it to death!
Well that shows the difference between how much you think you know as opposed to what often happens in reality...

Even if administered in the correct dosage, Compassion in World Farming, say using the gas to make pigs unconscious is a "horrible death".

"In concentrated carbon dioxide, pigs will panic, try desperately to escape and gasp, before falling down and losing consciousness up to a minute later"

"The CO2 method does not meet the definition of humane slaughter, since the stunning does not take place instantly, and CIWF is calling for the government to ban this method within five years"
(5 years have passed and nothing has happened)

But you have also in the recent past admitted to serving up pâté...

Was it traditional/real pâté or pretend pâté?

If it was traditional/real, then were those animals cuddled as they were fed to death?
Than you have the Chinese and there back ward practices

Hunting them pangolins
Rhino horns
Blimey if it moves the Chinese will eat it
And if it don’t they will give it a go
You spent time in an abattoir ??

Did a bit of day work in a cattle market whilst studying to earn a bit of money...

Most of the time was spent clipping sheep's ears (to make sure they weren't resold), but there was an abattoir next door...

We also had to take any unsold cattle to be dispatched there...

The bolt gun didn't always work either!

I've also worked in kibutzim/moshavs in Israel, and their slaughter methods weren't exactly known for their 'cuddle treatment'!

Am I a vegetarian. Nope.
But I'm not hypocritical when it comes to what animal is killed if is to be used for consumption.
But the definition of sustainability can change and should be always monitored.

I wonder how many people in this thread eat eggs?
Do you realise how most chickens are farmed and how they are killed?

We used to keep chickens and I had to dispatch them at the end of their usefulness.
Did the first stun blow before breaking their neck always work? Almost always, but a second blow was required on a couple of occasions.

Faux sympathy for any particular animal is quite frankly a lame argument if you eat any animal...

There is of course an economic argument which is separate. Namely is it worthwhile killing whales versus the adverse publicity?

Record numbers of tourists to Iceland/Norway suggests not!
We used to keep chickens and I had to dispatch them at the end of their usefulness.

As for us we have recently started up our own chicken coop again, but due to restrictions they can't be classed as 'free range' at the moment.

That didn’t last long - you claimed to have restarted it only in November last year or was that another post-bolstering fib?
Irrelevant? In an Iceland thread? Don’t see how. I thought you married an Icelandic person and you were moving there so if anyone should know, it would be you. Are you saying you don’t know how someone could permanently move from the UK to Iceland?
I wonder how hard it is to permanently move to Iceland if you are not an Icelander but are married to an Icelander? I suppose you'd still need some sort of necessary skill or trade otherwise they’d turn your application for emigration down.
Not difficult from an EU country.

Did a bit of day work in a cattle market whilst studying to earn a bit of money...

Most of the time was spent clipping sheep's ears (to make sure they weren't resold), but there was an abattoir next door...

We also had to take any unsold cattle to be dispatched there...

The bolt gun didn't always work either!

I've also worked in kibutzim/moshavs in Israel, and their slaughter methods weren't exactly known for their 'cuddle treatment'!

Am I a vegetarian. Nope.
But I'm not hypocritical when it comes to what animal is killed if is to be used for consumption.
But the definition of sustainability can change and should be always monitored.

I wonder how many people in this thread eat eggs?
Do you realise how most chickens are farmed and how they are killed?

We used to keep chickens and I had to dispatch them at the end of their usefulness.
Did the first stun blow before breaking their neck always work? Almost always, but a second blow was required on a couple of occasions.

Faux sympathy for any particular animal is quite frankly a lame argument if you eat any animal...

There is of course an economic argument which is separate. Namely is it worthwhile killing whales versus the adverse publicity?

Record numbers of tourists to Iceland/Norway suggests not!

I’ve witnessed the slaughter of animals

In Austria in the day the slaughter man came around yer house ( my grand mothers) to dispatch the calf by hand

And have seen plenty of chickens and ducks dispatched

But that has nowt to do with hunting endangered
Beautiful whales

And the fact that you can’t see pretty much sums you up as piece of work imo

A miserable cruel excuse of human being and a A *** e to

But hey ho no surprise :ROFLMAO:
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