ICJ ruling orders Israel to....

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Leaked details of a new ceasefire deal. CIA, MOSSAD and Egyptian similar. Head if Hamas to go to Cairo to discuss.

45day ceasefire. Some Israeli hostages released. Loads of Palestinians.
Possibility of further extensions when that ends. More negotiations.
Return of bodies figure. Israel has just sent some back - didn't look like a refrigerated truck.

Hamas want a permanent cease fire. Israel want the pour the troops back in when it ends. History says that when agreements are reached the slightest mishap kicks it all off again.

Better check this as I found part of it hard to believe despite video coverage. IDF in disguise enter a hospital and shoot 3 people. Hamas say one of theirs. Islamic Jehad say the other 2 are theirs. It seems one was in there for treatment. Injury caused by a drone strike. According to a doctor. ;) I thought the militants would be in disguise. They are said to have been planning another 7th style attack.
1200 innocent Israeli civilians

I see you've changed your story.

When does an IDF soldier become a civilian?

How many of the more than ten thousand Palestinian children slaughtered by Israel were civillians?
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Wow the equivalent number of deaths as a proportion of the US would be 3.4m

Imagine someone killed 3.4m Americans - what would you call that?
If they planned to vote Republican i'd call it a result.

In other news...

A United States federal court has dismissed a case accusing President Joe Biden and other senior US officials of being complicit in Israel’s alleged genocide in Gaza. Still, the court’s decision (PDF) urged Biden and his colleagues to examine “the results of their unflagging support” for Israel, including its human rights implications.

US District Court Judge Jeffrey White added that, as the International Court of Justice (ICJ) said in a provisional ruling last month, “it is plausible that Israel’s conduct amounts to genocide.”

Allahu Akhbar@Al Jazeera
Do you think the ICJ could order Palestine not to invade Israel, murder, rape and take hostage over1200 innocent Israeli civilians at a festival? Oops, too late…..
700 civilians. Including 36 children. 400 Security personnel.

October 7th was abhorrent.

A death squad storming a hospital to execute a paralyzed man in a hospital bed in the West Bank is also abhorrent.

Just because Israel was the victim of crimes it doesn't give them a free pass for whatever they feel like. Some of the stuff they've been doing is very comparable to October 7th.
That’s the trouble with revenge. Tell me, if your wife or daughter were gang raped, would you be happy giving the rapists a bloody good talking to? Me, I’d kill them (and anybody who helped or harboured them) slowly after cutting their cock and balls off and making them eat 'em.
A death squad storming a hospital to execute a paralyzed man in a hospital bed in the West Bank is also abhorrent.

It was a raid by a handful of soldiers to take out three terrorists who were plotting further atrocities, no other staff or civilians were harmed.
I think they should be applauded.
It was a raid by a handful of soldiers to take out three terrorists who were plotting further atrocities, no other staff or civilians were harmed.
I think they should be applauded.
Dressed as Arabs.

Fair play, but it's hypocritical to accuse Hamas of acting like terrorists when they (allegedly) infiltrate a UN organisation to carry out atrocities - then immediately sanction the UN for 'allowing' this to happen, while Israel escapes further scrutiny of using the same methods.
That’s the trouble with revenge. Tell me, if your wife or daughter were gang raped, would you be happy giving the rapists a bloody good talking to? Me, I’d kill them slowly after cutting their cock and balls off and making them eat 'em.
And then you should be arrested and sentenced as a criminal as well.

If it were Hamas' that were being attacked I'd have no sympathy at all. But it isn't. How many children have been killed by Israel?
In those circumstances I'd be happy to.

How many children? I'm doing you the decency of responding to your questions, could you return the favour?

How many children have Israel killed?

Or sticking with your analogy, how many children who lived in the same city as the gang that raped your family member would burn to death?
How many children have Israel killed?
No idea but did Israel carry out an incursion and attack/kill/rape 1200 mainly civilians? If they did, I’d speak out against them too.

I’m not pro-Israel, anti-Palestine. I’m anti-attacks like we saw on October 7th whoever does it. Yes, I get it that they don’t go on but I can’t recall such barbarianism being carried out by Israel on that scale.
No idea but did Israel carry out an incursion and attack/kill/rape 1200 mainly civilians? If they did, I’d speak out against them too.

I’m not pro-Israel, anti-Palestine. I’m anti-attacks like we saw on October 7th whoever does it. Yes, I get it that they don’t go on but I can’t recall such barbarianism being carried out by Israel on that scale.
More than 7,000 so far. The starvation is only just kicking in though.

Is that ok? Did they deserve it?
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