ICJ ruling orders Israel to....

Loads. 9/11 7/7 Tower bridge attacks etc etc. How about you - reported on anything non-Jewish?
Do you ever wonder why the attacks are taken in this fashion by dissidents? Gaza isn't a bad example.

Hamas hides in the population that voted for them. What they should have done is gathered up their battalions in military order, picked up their kit gone out and taken on the IDF directly. They would be wiped out.

ISIS - well they should have invaded the USA with their warplanes and aircraft carriers etc.
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You can call them what you like, but the racism is obvious and clear.

Any particular reason why?
You can call them what you like, but the racism is obvious and clear.

Any particular reason why?
Yes, Israel's hatred of the Palestinians is obvious and clear.

I suppose it is probably to comfort themselves that invasion and genocide are excusable.

Do you have some other reason?
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Ok well I gave you a fair chance to denounce Hamas' attack on innocent people and you chose to ignore it, excuse it, deny it happened etc. etc.
Ok well I gave you a fair chance to denounce Hamas' attack on innocent people and you chose to ignore it, excuse it, deny it happened etc. etc.

Where do you stand on genocide?

How many of the over ten thousand children killed so far do you claim were terrorists?

How many of the journalists executed by the IDF do you think were "asking for it?"

Do you agree with filly that a General is a civilian?
Do you agree that children should be crushed like snakes, or do you prefer that they should be exterminated like flies?

Do you prefer babies to be suffocated in incubators by cutting off electricity and oxygen supplies to the hospital, or do you prefer them to starve to death and rot?

Palestinians are mostly Arabs, so you agree that Israel's hatred of them is racist, right? Is that the reason you hate all Arabs?
Do you agree that children should be crushed like snakes, or do you prefer that they should be exterminated like flies?

Hamas obviously do as they use childrens playgrounds as launch sites for rockets.
Do you prefer babies to be suffocated in incubators by cutting off electricity and oxygen supplies to the hospital, or do you prefer them to starve to death and rot?

How many have died in incubators or starved to death?
Quite possibly but as said, they voted Hamas in so who else is to blame?

So Netanyahu is to blame for the Israeli deaths and the Tories for all UK deaths. Finally you admit to it. We got there in the end. Woof Woof.
Evidence please, we know you make up stuff Nigella. Please no Nigerian source.

Figures from the IDF in a Jerusalem Post article I linked last night. If you say what I think you're going to say, I put to to you that not one single Palestinian has died in this war, unless you provide me with copies of their death certificates.
Figures from the IDF in a Jerusalem Post article I linked last night. If you say what I think you're going to say, I put to to you that not one single Palestinian has died in this war, unless you provide me with copies of their death certificates.
Those are actually the Gaza health ministry figures for all males killed aged 18-64. Because under IDF policies any fighting age male killed is considered a Hamas fighter. If they weren't a Hamas fighter then how could they have been killed?

The IDF doesn't actually collect estimates of how many they kill, they use the Palestinian government numbers.
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