Imagine A World Without Religion

i.e. a Woman should have the right to abort a 30 week pregnancy?
Their body their choice. A woman should be able to chose whether she wants to have a baby. The morning after pill is ideal in making that choice.

The clue is in 'the morning after pill', though it might have been too subtle for your clumsy grasp of English.
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My daughter lost a child through miscarriage , she was very upset.
Maybe if I had of told to her stop gurning, it was just a bit waste tissue , nothing to get upset about, she would have felt better.
Even better, suggest they just have another...
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It was a bit of very dark humour.

Stop whinging, you can always have another was the response aimed at someone whose baby was born dead full term.
Are you certain about that?
Well they were banned from practicing the religion for a few hundred years so that was a start. Didn’t Lord McKay get kicked out of the wee frees for attending an RC funeral?
You have a bloke that places abortion and his daughters miscarriage, in the same vicinity. The bloke needs help.
I think you need help with basic biology.
A miscarriage is an uninduced abortion

An abortion is an induced miscarriage,
The result is the same, the death of an unborn child.
Now, explain why you think the results of abortion and miscarriage are not morally equivalent.

Unlike you, i don't get angry about the issue of abortion.
What i do find annoying is people like you who deny the reality of abortion.
If you were honest an admitted the abortion is about ending a human life, then you would get more respect.
The point is made against the broad thrust of the thread title which suggests moral decisions are straightforward without religion.
I believe you can live your life knowing the rights and wrongs without having a religion.
Well they were banned from practicing the religion for a few hundred years so that was a start
A bit of irony in your post.
The "Wee Frees" were also banned from practising their religion.
In fact the Papists were emancipated before the Presbyterians.

Ulster Presbyterians were persecuted by the Anglo establishment so much that they were forced to emigrate to America and there they kick started the American revolution.
The law of unintended consequences eh.
If you were honest an admitted the abortion is about ending a human life, then you would get more respect
Abortion is about women’s healthcare.

It’s not about ending a human life….that’s just pro lifers bolox.

A foetus feels no pain before 24 weeks and is not sentient….it’s not a human life.

You are an utterly selfish person who wants women to be forced to have a baby in poverty and not in a secure relationship.

A woman who might get pregnant when they are young, no career, no stable relationship….could have an abortion, then a few later be settled down in a secure relationship and in a suitable situation to bring up a child… want to deny that.
'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree' has never been more appropriate in the case of Trumps running mate JD Vance.

Pro life, pro family, pro America.
The values that made America great.
A true son of Ulster.

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