
As you know, what I am saying is this.

... The wealthy countries ... will get poorer as the poorer countries ...get richer.
You are suggesting that world prosperity is a zero-sum game. That isn't true.

I stand by it and you have not disproved it. Instead, you have dodged away.
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Dodged nothing John. You seem to be saying that unfettered immigration is great for the country - but we are already at bursting point. At what point does JohnD think that the country is full to bursting? Then what does JohnD suggest happens? How many more, John? One million? four million? Ten million? Gimme some answers john - not PC claptrap.
I'm guessing Joe didn't quite understand the term 'zero-sum game' and John wanted to assume he did and was suggesting it.

So we have an ignorance 'v' assumption -who wins?

There's only one way to find out -FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



In game theory and economic theory, zero-sum describes a situation in which a participant's gain or loss is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the other participant(s). It is so named because when the total gains of the participants are added up, and the total losses are subtracted, they will sum to zero. Go is an example of a zero-sum game: it is impossible for both players to win. Zero-sum can be thought of more generally as constant sum where the benefits and losses to all players sum to the same value of money and pride and dignity. Cutting a cake is zero- or constant-sum because taking a larger piece reduces the amount of cake available for others.
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No, he understands ... He just cannot respond ;)

Read this from the top down to see what total Joe-90 nonsense it is.

No argument whatsoever and, when challenged on specifics he cannot answer (because, invariably he's wrong), he simply changes the subject and hopes we'll all move on and forget the point being debated ... It's priceless :LOL:

Guys, you will all agree that as a nation, we are actually punching above our weight, and have been ever since the fifties / sixties, when other countries such as Japan and China realised they could produce goods that were designed, or at least originated, in the west, far far cheaper. Then when we were harking on about the superior quality of workmanship that we produced, these guys said " well, actually ours are still better, but cheaper. "
Now our illustrious government, in all it's glory, has always had, and always will have a hidden agenda with regadr to immigration, because this last influx has provided a black economy which allows hotels, restaurants, and to a lesser extent supermarkets to compete for our money. We live in a service industry country, not an exporting country, as we just cannot compete on price at most levels of manufacturing with other countries. Until we have a massive recession, and people start to cherish the money they earn instead of keeping up with the jones's, we are, and will be , in deep do-do :(
I've got no idea about the German economy - why should I have? Never even been there.

Immigration in this country is here to stay because factory owners and farmers want cheap labour.

Only time will tell if it's a good thing or otherwise.

Maybe it will be a good thing.

Maybe as the United States of Europe we will be a big player, up there with the USA, China and the Tiger economies. Then again, maybe we won't.
Personally I couldn't care less.
At the end of the day, once these migrants have milked the country dry, they will move on. It's almost like watching locusts swarm, eat every crop in sight, then go to the next country.
I know the analogy isn't brilliant, but it is what it is :( :(
I've always been a realist. We are where we are. Not a good place to be though.
Come and live in Devon, if we find an immigrant down here we either eat it or sh*g it :LOL:
I decided to remove references to my past life in the world of Foreign Affairs.
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