Is a peoples vote likely?

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Which of the possible outcomes did you hope you were voting for?

Did you see any of them mentioned on the voting slip?
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Which of the possible outcomes did you hope you were voting for?

David Cameron said voting out meant leaving the customs union.

What don't you understand about that?

Oh and what do you think about Corbyns 'deal' that according to you isnt possible? -you know the one he said was on his manifesto
David Cameron said voting out meant leaving the customs union.

What don't you understand about that?
Well you yourself have admitted that you didn't understand how intertwined we are with the EU, and the complexity of disengagement...

You clearly changed your mind when you managed to ascertain the facts...

You were 'uninformed' thus couldn't understand what voting out really meant in 2016.

How many others do you think are now in the same position?
A democratic majority voted to leave the EU and now parliament which is packed with remainers is showing its contempt for that democratic vote by saying that they want the final say on Brexit.
What is the point of a second referendum if parliament doesn't respect the wishes of the people in the first vote what are the chances of them respecting the wishes of the people in a second vote if it doesn't throw up the result parliament requires.
The point of a second referendum would be a democratic vote on the options available following the negotiations which stemmed from the first vote.

I'm not sure why people think that voting is repression of democracy, and that democracy means not being allowed to vote.

And BTW - you should inform yourself of the definition of the verb "to respect".
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Which of the possible outcomes did you hope you were voting for?

Did you see any of them mentioned on the voting slip?
They were all on the ballot paper.

Anybody who claims that they weren't is ipso facto claiming that they didn't understand what they were voting for.
Using MotMan foolis
David Cameron said voting out meant leaving the customs union.

What don't you understand about that?

Oh and what do you think about Corbyns 'deal' that according to you isnt possible? -you know the one he said was on his manifesto

Cameron deserves more criticism than May.

So deliver a hard Brexit and the economy tanks and the party in power will be criticised and mauled at the next election.

Deliver a crap deal and the economy stutters but the leavers are all up in arms and the party loses the next election.

Rescind Article 50 and a boost to the economy from settling the issue- only have to deal with irate leavers - tory have a chance at the next election.
Add another country to the list which doesn't want to play the 'people as pawns' game!

"Even without a Brexit deal, the estimated 45,000-50,000 British citizens living in Portugal – only 23,000 of whom are officially registered – will be able to retain their residence and other rights, including access to state healthcare and recognition of UK academic qualifications...

The economy minister, Pedro Siza Vieira, said Portugal was ready to do this unilaterally."

Of course that depends on the UK being willing to sign up to the offer, but with the UK currently rated as a basket case country (and dropping even lower) reason this end long since went out of the window!
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