Is a peoples vote likely?

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He never does when he’s caught out fabricating stories to suit his position.
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Where’s he gone anyway - seems to have stop posting since he was asked a question. Probably lying low. Perhaps we should keep asking the question every time he posts until he answers like Paxo did once with some politician. Hang about, he’s not emigrated has he?
"no deal" is the default that will occur unless parliament can agree on something else. Which it shows no sign of.

EU27 is unlikely to give the unanimous consent necessary for an extension to be granted.

EU27 has said that negotiations are over, and improved terms are not going to be offered.

There is no solution to the Irish Border problem if we stick to Theresa's Red Lines or to the Brexer's insistence on preventing Freedom of Movement, and hence the Single Market which depends on it. There never has been a solution and we have known that for more than two years. Because it's impossible. But the Brexers insist that we mustn't have a backstop. Which is also impossible if we want a deal with EU27. Which we know. So maybe we will cut Northern Ireland adrift and let it join RoI in some way.

Theresa has deliberately spun the process out to use up the available time to prevent any renegotiation or another referendum or election. Once we reach the end of March it is too late to cancel A50 or ask for an extension. It is also too late to arrange another General Election before the end of March.

The smart money is betting on staying in.

Can't see how that will be arranged.

As Eddie has said, whoever is in government in January, or February, or March, would have the power, if Parliament consents, to cancel A50 and announce that we will take our time and try to work out what the country actually wants, and what it can actually have. Which should have been done before the 2016 referendum, but wasn't, and still hasn't been, because we are led by a bunch of sloganeering numbskulls.

Perhaps Parliament will do that.

If they can actually ever agree on anything.

Which they show no sign of.
The reason the referendum was held in the first place was because parliament couldn't be trusted to carry out the will of the People.
Camoron called the referendum because he thought it would be a walkover for the remainers.
Because the result didn't go the remainers way they have been trying to undermine it ever since by fair means or foul.
A democratic majority voted to leave the EU and now parliament which is packed with remainers is showing its contempt for that democratic vote by saying that they want the final say on Brexit.
What is the point of a second referendum if parliament doesn't respect the wishes of the people in the first vote what are the chances of them respecting the wishes of the people in a second vote if it doesn't throw up the result parliament requires.
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I guess lally doesn't want to tell us :ROFLMAO:
Who's 'lally'?

If you want an answer, best you make clear who you are addressing it to otherwise the post might be overlooked, f uckwit!
(correct nomenclature used in this case :))

But it was Norway
No it wasn't.
If Parliament had been given a vote on whether the UK should leave the EU they would have voted to remain even though a majority of the people wanted to leave the EU.
Parliament is abusing it responsibility to carry out the democratically expressed wishes of the electorate to leave the EU.
All the talk of a soft Brexit is nothing more than a Euphemism for remaining in the EU.
Slimy Corbyn who is at heart a leaver wants the no deal option taken off the table to appease the Blairite remainer faction in his party.
With people like the above in charge of Brexit is any wonder the Europeans are laughing at the British.
wishes of the electorate to leave the EU.

Quite a lot of the people who voted chose the "Leave the EU" option. And quite a lot chose "Remain."

As you know, the electorate were not asked to say if they wanted to keep access to the single market, or to freedom of movement of labour and capital, or whether they wanted a hard border between UK and the EU, or whether they wanted a hard border between UK and RoI, or if they wanted NI to join RoI, or if they wanted to have mass smuggling by organised crime. All that was left for the government of the day (whoever that might be) and Parliament to decide.

So you cannot pretend that the voters asked for any particular version of Leave.

Government and Parliament are currently (and unsuccessfully) attempting to resolve all the questions that the referendum left unanswered, and unasked.
There is only one version of leave, if you stay in the customs union then you haven't really left have you.
There is only one version of leave

Thank you for your opinion.

You are however mistaken.

Norway is not a member of the EU.

Switzerland is not a member of the EU

Lichtenstein is not a member of the EU.

Canada is not a member of the EU.

Palestine is not a member of the EU.

Somaliland is not a member of the EU.
Thank you for your opinion.

You are however mistaken.

Norway is not a member of the EU.

Switzerland is not a member of the EU

Lichtenstein is not a member of the EU.

Canada is not a member of the EU.

Palestine is not a member of the EU.

Somaliland is not a member of the EU.

Oh look some of those are bespoke deals JohnD said werent possible options :ROFLMAO:
There is only one version of leave, if you stay in the customs union then you haven't really left have you.
Corbyn wants to stay in the customs union, he is conveniently forgetting to mention that means freedom of movement.....perhaps he doesnt wnat to alienated 5 million labour leave voters -you know those traditional labour voters in the North, not the yoof momentum activists
I see notch is making up lies again.

He never stops.
Quite a lot of the people who voted chose the "Leave the EU" option. And quite a lot chose "Remain."

As you know, the electorate were not asked to say if they wanted to keep access to the single market, or to freedom of movement of labour and capital, or whether they wanted a hard border between UK and the EU, or whether they wanted a hard border between UK and RoI, or if they wanted NI to join RoI, or if they wanted to have mass smuggling by organised crime. All that was left for the government of the day (whoever that might be) and Parliament to decide.

So you cannot pretend that the voters asked for any particular version of Leave.

Government and Parliament are currently (and unsuccessfully) attempting to resolve all the questions that the referendum left unanswered, and unasked.

Didnt Cameron say leaving the EU means leavin the single market and there will not be a second referendum.

Or has that conveniently slipped your mind and you are resorting to talking carp :ROFLMAO:
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