Good point; could it also mean that you could have other gods
after me (him, her, it). Could you have this god for most of the week then worship buddha for a couple of hours on a friday?
It sounds like god is trying to create an unfair monopoly here, a bit like tesco saying thou shalt not enter ye portals of another supermarket. Anyway what would god say if you did worship 2 gods equally, would he ban you from heaven altogether or only allow you in for half of eternity, and after all, which is most fun, heaven or nirvana?
Someone in the paper the other day raised what I thoiught was an interesting point about these cartoons of the prophet that were published in that Danish newspaper. If the people who published these pictures are destined to eternal damnation anyway, why are the muslims threatening them and calling in bomb hoaxes? Why are Danes being warned to be carefull in Saudi Arabia, if they are already damned then isn't that punishment enough?
In fact, if all non-muslims are destined for the 'other place' then shouldn't muslims be feeling rather sorry for non-believers as a whole, and the same goes for christians. Shouldn't christians be trying to make life on earth for muslims as happy as possible as they have only got eternal hellfire to look forward to after they're gone, and after all, christianity is meant to be a charitable religion?
I found this site shows conflicting statements in the koran. It states on one hand that believers who die for their faith, in defense of it, or persecuted for it, are assured of Heaven. But it further states that "There will be
no one of you who will not enter it (Hell).
This was an inevitable decree of your Lord.
Afterwards he may save some of the pious, God-fearing Muslims out of the burning fire."
No wonder muslims can seem to be so f****d up.