Is France Correct?

Hi, I am an asylum seeker - well, sort of...

I was born in a country that was modern, prosperous and mostly Christian (but like all Christian countries, it's really just a secular country).
Currently, my country is mostly... Shall I say... Other-than-Christian (try to guess)...
It's currently an unlivable war zone that somehow manages to get worse and worse as time goes by.

No, it's not England's fault or any other "conspiracy".
It's because the character traits of our people are "simple minded" and "aggressive".
So, someone points a finger = we go fight there...

I was invited by my English employer to come here and do work that they couldn't source for 2 years. I am a mainframe engineer and simply none of the young IT grads want to pick that up.
This was my lifeline.
Unfortunately, apparently not the last one that I will need...

Already in the 90's, I could see the seeds of what is happening now:
White local families don't make children, don't take hard jobs.
Huge push to bring "newcomers", especially by political parties that benefit from newcomer votes (IE non-conservatives).
On the other hand, conservative parties (and that appears to be true everywhere in the world) usually have their hands on some business that could always use desperate cheap labor.

You are not being taken over.
You HAVE been taken over.
90's was your last chance, we are well past that.

You don't need 51% to conquer a country politically. You only need 10%.
The white philosophers will bicker about nuance and split evenly, as no one knows the truth so it's really a coin flip.
So, the 10% which will obey the religious leader and RARELY show any deviation in opinion - they become the tie breaker.
They sway the decisions.


When I came to Newbury, I was pretty much the only foreigner in every grouping of people.
Now half of my street is asylum seekers.
Half of every street in this town...
I don't even trust the statistics... They don't pass the eye test.
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I'm saying zero until we have the abundant spare, new housing that Two Tier is promising. :ROFLMAO:

Seriously any migrant fans should be the ones who fund any generosity, not expect others to pick up the bill. If we must take migrants, at least take GENUINE asylum seekers from Ukraine. At least they will assimilate while here and be largely law abiding - and return home when safe.

As for numbers - you will be waiting for a very long time for any liberals to answer this one.
It's been answered countless times.

But again, who are these immigrant fans?

What point is a number, if more arrive ?
Soooooooo, where would they stay while their claims were being processed?
Let them work and fend for themselves or don't let the work and we need to feed and house them.

Or process them quicker so there aren't 10000's of people in the system in the first place.
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control over who leaves France in small boats
France does to some extent but the latest answer is immigrant violence. Make sure there are a lot to get on the boat. Tool them up a bit.

There is another route as well. Fly here using commercial airline services where they are available.
Let them work and fend for themselves or don't let the work and we need to feed and house them.
Historically the work take up of asylum seekers who make the grade is rather low. 30% has been mentioned Far lower than those from say the Indian continent who get here. However more economic interest in this area now so may be a TBD. Much must depend on the state of the country they come from.
Soooooooo, where would they stay while their claims were being processed?
Tories weren’t processing claims

Under last Labour govt they were doing 15,000 to 20,000 a year

Under Tories that dropped off to under 3,000 a year
Again. What is it you like about his strategy?
If the boats can be stopped rather simple really. There wont be any for migrants to use. They are run by smuggling networks so break those up. I assume you are aware of how MI types and even the police work at times with specific types of situations involving groups.

There are other factors as well such as the EU stiffening up road entries to their area. That in itself will help. It's been delayed but now it looks like it will get into action shortly. I assume it will include Calais style checks amongst others.
Processing claims faster
They have been processed by the Tory. trouble is that the results aren't entirely clear. Where are they and what is their status. For instance some haven't turned up at centres so are said to have dropped their claim. Some rejected - I assume?

However it does look like they allowed the numbers to process to build up ealier on. Austerity probably relates to that. At one point they set a peg in the ground with a certain number of people here. Those reduced - status? but more arrived while that was going on.
Hi, I am an asylum seeker - well, sort of...

I was born in a country that was modern, prosperous and mostly Christian (but like all Christian countries, it's really just a secular country).
Currently, my country is mostly... Shall I say... Other-than-Christian (try to guess)...
It's currently an unlivable war zone that somehow manages to get worse and worse as time goes by.

No, it's not England's fault or any other "conspiracy".
It's because the character traits of our people are "simple minded" and "aggressive".
So, someone points a finger = we go fight there...

I was invited by my English employer to come here and do work that they couldn't source for 2 years. I am a mainframe engineer and simply none of the young IT grads want to pick that up.
This was my lifeline.
Unfortunately, apparently not the last one that I will need...

Already in the 90's, I could see the seeds of what is happening now:
White local families don't make children, don't take hard jobs.
Huge push to bring "newcomers", especially by political parties that benefit from newcomer votes (IE non-conservatives).
On the other hand, conservative parties (and that appears to be true everywhere in the world) usually have their hands on some business that could always use desperate cheap labor.

You are not being taken over.
You HAVE been taken over.
90's was your last chance, we are well past that.

You don't need 51% to conquer a country politically. You only need 10%.
The white philosophers will bicker about nuance and split evenly, as no one knows the truth so it's really a coin flip.
So, the 10% which will obey the religious leader and RARELY show any deviation in opinion - they become the tie breaker.
They sway the decisions.


When I came to Newbury, I was pretty much the only foreigner in every grouping of people.
Now half of my street is asylum seekers.
Half of every street in this town...
I don't even trust the statistics... They don't pass the eye test.
if you've been here from the 90s then as far as I'm concerned you are as British as the rest of us.

no two ways about it, we have needed and still need inward migration, or at least we need skilled inward migration. We have lost our way as a nation, we have got too fat and too lazy to look out for ourselves. It is totally unsustainable, but for the near future we need hard working skilled people.

What we don't need is these gangs of unknowns barging their way in.

out of curiosity what country are you from - I will have a guess at Lebanon ? would love to visit there Baalbek and Tyre places of deep deep history and signifcance - I can't see me risking it any time soon - lol
if you've been here from the 90s then as far as I'm concerned you are as British as the rest of us.

no two ways about it, we have needed and still need inward migration, or at least we need skilled inward migration. We have lost our way as a nation, we have got too fat and too lazy to look out for ourselves. It is totally unsustainable, but for the near future we need hard working skilled people.

What we don't need is these gangs of unknowns barging their way in.

out of curiosity what country are you from - I will have a guess at Lebanon ? would love to visit there Baalbek and Tyre places of deep deep history and signifcance - I can't see me risking it any time soon - lol

People don't believe it was called "The Switzerland of the middle east", unironically.

I remember women walking free, in summer dresses or less.

We were faced with a refugee crisis and did "the right thing" and now the country I knew is A MEMORY.
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