Is France Correct?

When Britain withdrew from common market, I suggested either here or another section, that France will show less reluctance to illegals on their way to Britain. Some one said there is a treaty or whatever in place and France will comply
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Hi, I am an asylum seeker - well, sort of...

When I came to Newbury, I was pretty much the only foreigner in every grouping of people.
Now half of my street is asylum seekers.
Half of every street in this town...
I don't even trust the statistics... They don't pass the eye test.
It's good that you don't trust statistics because they are in direct contrast to your observation.
The population of West Berkshire hosts over 90% white population.
According to you half of the population of Newbury are asylum seekers, (I'm tempted to ask how you know this, but I'll let it pass for now)
As the population of Newbury is about 44,000, that would suggest that there are about 22,000 asylum seekers in Newbury.

But there are only 13,000 non-white people in the whole of West Berkshire, and only 10,000 of those were born outside of Europe. But West Berkshire is four times the size of Newbury. :rolleyes:
They must all live in your street. :rolleyes:
I notice that you have been up all night, Were you counting them? :rolleyes:

From the Census 2021
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if you've been here from the 90s then as far as I'm concerned you are as British as the rest of us.

no two ways about it, we have needed and still need inward migration, or at least we need skilled inward migration.
And as mainframe engineer, and qualified in finance he'd have no problem finding work.
Although it would appear he has trouble counting. :rolleyes:
Hi, I am an asylum seeker - well, sort of...

You are not being taken over.
You HAVE been taken over.
90's was your last chance, we are well past that.

You don't need 51% to conquer a country politically. You only need 10%.
The white philosophers will bicker about nuance and split evenly, as no one knows the truth so it's really a coin flip.
So, the 10% which will obey the religious leader and RARELY show any deviation in opinion - they become the tie breaker.
They sway the decisions.

Do tell us how 10% of UK population will obey their religious leaders. :ROFLMAO:
If tie-breakers define the politics or government of a country, it hasn't been taken over.
It's called democracy.
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it hasn't been taken over.
It's called democracy.
Lebanon is in some respects unusual but there are others that are similar. They have an elected leader. How often etc pass. He finds he can't do anything about the terrorists. A situation that can come about when sufficient numbers of a group are armed. UN peace keepers drive around to no avail.
Lebanon is in some respects unusual but there are others that are similar. They have an elected leader. How often etc pass. He finds he can't do anything about the terrorists. A situation that can come about when sufficient numbers of a group are armed. UN peace keepers drive around to no avail.
Lebanon has been in conflict with Israel since the mid- 1970s
To a certain degree Israel exacerbated the internal conflict in Lebanon by aligning with the Christian militias and other parties.
@Bobo88 don't take any notice of 10 names, I think it could be some sort of Russian Bot programmed in reverse psychology to destabilise the west by creating deep division, its role being to turn people to the far right with its deeply annoyingly sanctimonious lefty moralisations
@Bobo88 don't take any notice of 10 names, I think it could be some sort of Russian Bot programmed in reverse psychology to destabilise the west by creating deep division, its role being to turn people to the far right with its deeply annoyingly sanctimonious lefty moralisations
Tell us munroast, how many conspiracy theories you ascribe to. :ROFLMAO:

Your post contained a long sentence with many multiple syllable words, not like your normal diatribes. Where did you crib it from? :ROFLMAO:
When Britain withdrew from common market, I suggested either here or another section, that France will show less reluctance to illegals on their way to Britain. Some one said there is a treaty or whatever in place and France will comply
It was said by many at the time. Brexit wouldn't cure migration, but would change it.

And it has
all the time in the world for the Ukrainians, I would go out of my way to help these wonderful strong proud people. The men have stayed at home to fight and asked if we could shlter their women and children - of course we can
Have you gone out of your way and helped then?

We were going to host, but it turned out better to contribute to rent.
They went back as they were missing Ukraine and other family members so much.
After all this time, no surprise.

But should we find others in need we will do the same as we have the means.
And as mainframe engineer, and qualified in finance he'd have no problem finding work.
Although it would appear he has trouble counting. :rolleyes:
perfectly credible to be a mainframe engineer and qualified in finance.

I don't think he suggested he was the test meter and screwdriver type of engineer.

The vast majority of mainframes still in use are running legacy finance systems.
But they'll never be English. ;)
Nor will you ever be...

You're not normal, you're probably Norman...

Time for you to check out how the Gauls treat small boat people seeking to get back to their roots ;)
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