Valdo Calocane

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What cutbacks are Reform going to carry out?
I don't think they are in power are they?

But their direction and intentions are worse than the Tories. Look at how they fanned the recent riots. Costs a lot of money to sort all that damage out.
He isn't a child you T##t
Haven't you learned to spell the vulgar words yet?
Never mind when you're older, perhaps. :rolleyes:

The point was that he was mentally ill. The Nazi policy was to liquidate all those mentally ill.
And you want to replicate that policy. :rolleyes:
And you call me names? :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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I can think of no one that despises the UK more than Forridge and his chapter. First Brexit and now Reform. You are in good (whiter than white) hands Mottie. Gammons rejoice!
I was expecting to see a list of the benefits, to stop the constant pointing out of the disaster.

Silly me.
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