we have a triple AAA credit rating because we normally have stable strong majority governments.
you mean like Germany has, because it's had 60 years of PR and coalition governments?
something wrong with your thinking
The last time we had a minority government, shares dropped 40% in 6 months. the markets and the pound have already started to take a hammering.
but the last time we had a majority government, the same thing happened, more than once. Does that make you decide that FPTP caused it?
No, you cannot compare the situation in any other country. The credit rating of a country is based on the confidence the credit organisations have in the running of a country, historically. THIS country has majority governments, weve had then for 37 years. Its matters not one jot whats going on in germany or italy or bloody Moldavia, that doesn't affect OUR credit rating. When THIS country deviates from the norm, the investors and the markets get jittery. The current uncertainty has already made the markets and the pound take a bashing, and it'tl get worse the longer were hanging in the air. Your link proves exactly my point.