a few of the other items highlighted are
4 installation in red and black core cable
5 main tails in 16mm
6 gas and water in 6mm
7 no sw wire on 2 strapping cables
8 no rcd (cables buried less than 50mm deep
all these down as code 4
this flat was built by the local authority 25 years ago nothing really as been altered and its identical to around 50 other proberty owen by the council yet reading the report its likely to go up in smok Any TIME
4 - Installation in red and black conductors - no problem at all if a mixed wiring label is in place.
5 - 16mm tails a code 4?
They're either big enough or not so it would either be a code 2 or no code at all. Depends on the size of main fuse and likely loading of the installation.
6 - Gas and water bonds 6mm - depends on your earthing system ( Is it TN-C-S (PME), TN-S or TT?), type of main fuse and Ze. Have a look at your report, under supply chracteristics.
Items 7 and 8 - code 4 as noted.